
[͵ænaıʹkɒnız(ə)m] n рел.
1) иконоборчество; запрет на изображение божества
2) поклонение предметам, символизирующим, но не изображающим бога (в исламе и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "aniconism" в других словарях:

  • Aniconism — is the practice or belief in avoiding or shunning the graphic representation of divine beings or religious figures, or in different manifestations, any human beings or living creatures. The term aniconic may be used to describe the absence of… …   Wikipedia

  • aniconism — ANICONÍSM s. n. lipsa reprezentării figurate a unei divinităţi. (< anicon/ic/ + ism) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • Aniconism in Islam — is a proscription against the creation of images of God in Islam. Other forms of aniconism in Islam prohibit the depiction of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, which is the consensual view among sunni Muslims,or even, in the case of more extreme case …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism in Buddhism — Buddhist art used to be aniconicFact|date=February 2007: the Buddha was only represented through his symbols (an empty throne, the Bodhi tree, the Buddha s footprints, the prayer wheel). This reluctance towards anthropomorphic representations of… …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism in Judaism — The Tanakh A number of verses in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) refer to prohibitions against the creation of various forms of images, invariably linked directly with idolatry. The strongest over all source is based on what Judaism counts as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism in Christianity — Byzantine iconoclasm There were two periods of iconoclasm, or icon destruction, in the Byzantine Empire, in the mid eighth and early ninth centuries. The political aspects of the conflicts are complex, dealing with the relationship between the… …   Wikipedia

  • aniconism — /an uy keuh niz euhm/, n. 1. opposition to the use of idols or images. 2. the worship of objects symbolic of but not depicting a deity. [1905 10; AN1 + ICON + ISM] * * * ▪ religion       in religion, opposition to the use of icons or visual… …   Universalium

  • aniconism — noun The conviction that artists should not depict human beings. See Also: aniconic …   Wiktionary

  • aniconism — an·icon·ism …   English syllables

  • aniconism — (ˈ)aˈnīkənˌizəm noun ( s) Etymology: an + iconism 1. : worship of an aniconic object 2. : opposition to the use of idols * * * /an uy keuh niz euhm/, n. 1. opposition to the use of idols or images. 2. the worship of objects symbolic of but not… …   Useful english dictionary

  • aniconic, aniconism —    Aniconism is the conviction that one should or must avoid naturalistic figurative representation. This sort of prohibition can be found in several cultures. As a feature of Islamic art, its intended as as a measure against idolatry. Also see… …   Glossary of Art Terms

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