- grandsire
- [ʹgrænd͵saıə] n арх.
1. дед2. предок3. старик
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Grandsire — is one of the standard change ringing methods, usually rung on an odd numbers of church bells. Grandsire Doubles is rung on five working bells, Grandsire Triples on seven, Grandsire Caters on nine and Grandsire Cinques on eleven. History The… … Wikipedia
Grandsire — Grand sire , n. [OF. grantsire. See {Grand}, and {Sire}.] Specifically, a grandfather; more generally, any ancestor. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grandsire — index ancestor, primogenitor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Grandsire — Nom porté en Normandie et en Picardie (variantes : Grandsir, Gransir, Gransire). Mot à mot, signifie grand seigneur, sans doute un sobriquet ironique donné à celui qui a des allures hautaines … Noms de famille
grandsire — late 13c., from Anglo Fr. graunt sire; see GRAND (Cf. grand) (adj.) + SIRE (Cf. sire) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
grandsire — [grand′sīr΄] n. Archaic 1. a grandfather 2. a male ancestor 3. an old man … English World dictionary
grandsire — noun Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century 1. (or grandsir) dialect grandfather 1a 2. archaic forefather 3. archaic an aged man 4. a dam s or sire s sire used of an animal … New Collegiate Dictionary
grandsire — /grand suyeur /, n. 1. a grandfather. 2. Archaic. a. a forefather. b. an aged man. [1250 1300; ME graunt sire < AF. See GRAND , SIRE] * * * … Universalium
grandsire — noun grandfather … Wiktionary
grandsire — sb. RG. 311 … Oldest English Words
grandsire — græn saɪə(r) n. grandfather (Archaic); man who is a person s ancestor (Archaic); forefather; middle aged man … English contemporary dictionary