- anhidrotic
- [͵ænhıʹdrɒtık] n мед.
средство, уменьшающее потоотделение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
anhidrotic — ANHIDRÓTIC, Ă adj., s. n. (medicament) care diminuează secreţia sudorală. (< fr. anhydrotique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Anhidrotic — Pertain to anhidrosis, too little sweating. Hidrosis meaning sweating, so an , too little + hidrosis = too little sweating. * * * 1. Relating to, or characterized by, anhidrosis. 2. SYN: antiperspirant (2). 3. Denoting a reduction or absence of… … Medical dictionary
anhidrotic — 1. adjective lacking the ability to sweat 2. noun A substance that prevents sweating See Also: anhidrosis … Wiktionary
anhidrotic — adj. suffering from a lack of perspiration caused by a defect in the perspiratory system (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
anhidrotic — an·hi·drot·ic … English syllables
anhidrotic — 1) n. any drug that inhibits sweating, such as an antimuscarinic drug. 2) adj. inhibiting sweating … The new mediacal dictionary
anhidrotic — … Useful english dictionary
anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia — a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by ectodermal dysplasia associated with aplasia or hypoplasia of the sweat glands, hypothermia, alopecia, missing or conical teeth, and typical facies (frontal bossing, midfacial hypoplasia,… … Medical dictionary
Ангидрозный (Anhidrotic) — 1. Любое лекарственное вещество, уменьшающее потоотделение, например, парасимпатолитические средства. 2. Подавляющий процесс потоотделения. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
tropical anhidrotic asthenia — a rare condition seen under conditions of heat stress; miliaria profunda causes extensive occlusion of the sweat ducts, producing anhidrosis and heat retention that may lead to heat exhaustion (see under exhaustion). Called also sweat retention… … Medical dictionary
anhidrosis — anhidrotic, anhydrotic /an hi drot ik, huy /, adj. /an hi droh sis, huy /, n. Med. the deficiency or absence of perspiration; adiaphoresis. Also, anhydrosis. [ < NL; see AN 1, HIDROSIS] * * * … Universalium