
[ʹgʌvən] v
1. править, управлять

to govern a country [a people] - править страной [народом]

to govern one's estate - управлять собственным имением

2. 1) руководить, направлять; регулировать

to govern wisely [skilfully, with justice] - руководить разумно [искусно, справедливо]

to govern public opinion - формировать общественное мнение

governed by common sense - руководимый здравым смыслом

don't let your passions govern you - не поддавайтесь страстям [ср. тж. 4]

I will be governed by you in what I do - я буду делать всё так, как вы мне скажете

2) обыкн. pass оказывать влияние

to be governed by circumstances - действовать под влиянием обстоятельств

3. определять, обусловливать

laws that govern chemical reactions - законы, которые управляют химическими реакциями /которым подчиняются химические реакции/

considerations that governed the choice of a representative - соображения, которые оказались решающими при выборе представителя

similar principles govern these two phenomena - эти явления обусловливаются одними и теми же принципами

4. владеть (собой); сдерживать (себя)

to govern one's passions - обуздывать свои страсти [ср. тж. 2, 1)]

to govern one's tongue - не давать воли языку, следить за тем, что говоришь

you must govern your temper - ты должен держать себя в руках

5. юр. определять смысл; быть определяющим (фактором)

the sense of the whole document is governed by the introductory clause - смысл всего документа определяется вступительной частью

6. грам. управлять

to govern the dative [the accusative] - управлять дательным [винительным] падежом

7. тех. регулировать; управлять
8. уст. заботиться, ухаживать

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Смотреть что такое "govern" в других словарях:

  • govern — gov·ern / gə vərn/ vt 1: to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; esp: to control and direct the administration of policy in 2: to exert a determining or guiding influence in or over the testator s assets are govern ed by will substitutes …   Law dictionary

  • govern — govern, rule are comparable when they mean to exercise power or authority in controlling or directing another or others, often specifically those persons who comprise a state or nation. Govern may imply power, whether despotic or constitutional,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Govern — Gov ern, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Governed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Governing}.] [OF. governer, F. gouverner, fr. L. gubernare to steer, pilot, govern, Gr. kyberna^n. Cf. {Gubernatorial}.] 1. To direct and control, as the actions or conduct of men, either… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • govern — gov‧ern [ˈgʌvən ǁ ərn] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to officially and legally run a country and make decisions about taxes, laws, public services etc: • the politicians who govern the country • A small military elite has been governing for… …   Financial and business terms

  • govern — [guv′ərn] vt. [ME governen < OFr gouverner < L gubernare, to pilot (a ship), direct, guide < Gr kybernan, to steer, govern, prob. of non IE orig.] 1. to exercise authority over; rule, administer, direct, control, manage, etc. 2. to… …   English World dictionary

  • govern — late 13c., from O.Fr. governer (11c., Mod.Fr. gouverner) govern, from L. gubernare to direct, rule, guide, govern (Cf. Sp. gobernar, It. governare), originally to steer, a nautical borrowing from Gk. kybernan to steer or pilot a ship, direct (the …   Etymology dictionary

  • govern — [v1] take control; rule administer, assume command, be in power, be in the driver’s seat*, call the shots*, call the signals*, captain*, carry out, command, conduct, control, dictate, direct, execute, exercise authority, guide, head, head up,… …   New thesaurus

  • Govern — Gov ern, v. i. To exercise authority; to administer the laws; to have the control. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • govern — ► VERB 1) conduct the policy and affairs of (a state, organization, or people). 2) control or influence. 3) constitute a rule, standard, or principle for. 4) Grammar (of a word) require that (another word or group of words) be in a particular… …   English terms dictionary

  • govern — verb ADVERB ▪ effectively, well ▪ directly ▪ The colony was governed directly from Paris. VERB + GOVERN ▪ be fit to, be unfit …   Collocations dictionary

  • govern */*/ — UK [ˈɡʌvə(r)n] / US [ˈɡʌvərn] verb Word forms govern : present tense I/you/we/they govern he/she/it governs present participle governing past tense governed past participle governed 1) [intransitive/transitive] to control and manage an area, city …   English dictionary

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