goner — something dead or about to die, 1850, from GONE (Cf. gone) + ER (Cf. er) (1). From earlier expressions such as gone goose (1830), gone coon, etc … Etymology dictionary
goner — ► NOUN informal ▪ a person or thing that is doomed or cannot be saved … English terms dictionary
goner — [gôn′ər] n. [< GONE + ER] Informal a person or thing that is beyond help or seems certain to die soon, be ruined, etc … English World dictionary
goner — gon|er [ˈgɔnə US ˈgo:nər] n informal [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: gone] be a goner if someone is a goner, they are soon going to die, to fall, be caught etc ▪ Someone hit me from behind and I thought I was a goner … Dictionary of contemporary English
goner — n. sl. a person or thing that is doomed, ended, irrevocably lost, etc.; a dead person. * * * goner [goner goners] [ˈɡɒnə(r)] [ˈɡɔːnər] noun (informal) a person who is going to die soon or who cannot be saved from a dangerous situation … Useful english dictionary
goner — [[t]gɒ̱nə(r), AM gɔ͟ːn [/t]] goners N COUNT If you say that someone is a goner, you mean that they are about to die, or are in such danger that nobody can save them. [INFORMAL] She fell so heavily I thought she was a goner … English dictionary
goner — noun informal be a goner someone who will soon die, or is in an impossible situation: If Mark s still inside the plane, he s a goner … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
goner — [“gone* ] n. someone or something finished or nearly finished. □ This one’s a goner. Toss it. □ The horse was a goner, so it had to be destroyed … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
goner — noun a) A person in desperate straits or hopeless case. Im a goner if this plan doesnt work. b) Someone doomed … Wiktionary
goner — See a goner … English idioms
goner — a person about to die or who has just died Also spelt phonetically: I thought she was a goner, I m afraid. You ve never seen anyone so pale. (Fry, 1994) Better say your prayers. If we crash, you re a gonner. (Manning, 1962) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms