- anglomaniac
- [͵æŋgləʹmeınıæk] n редк.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Anglomaniac — An glo*ma ni*ac, n. One affected with Anglomania. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anglomaniac — n. person affected with Anglomania … English contemporary dictionary
anglomaniac — an·glo·ma·ni·ac … English syllables
anglomaniac — … Useful english dictionary
Anglomania — Anglomaniac /ang gloh may nee ak /, n. Anglomaniacal /ang gloh meuh nuy euh keuhl/, adj. /ang gleuh may nee euh, mayn yeuh/, n. an intense admiration of, interest in, or tendency to imitate English institutions, manners, customs, etc. [1780 90,… … Universalium
Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi — (May 19, 1773 June 25, 1842), whose real name was Simonde, was a writer born at Geneva. He is best known for his works on French and Italian history, and his economic ideas.Early lifeHis father and all his ancestors seem to have borne the name… … Wikipedia
Woe from Wit — (Russian: Горе от ума, also translated as The Woes of Wit , Wit Works Woe , and so forth) is Aleksandr Griboyedov s comedy in verse, satirizing the society of post Napoleonic Moscow, or, as a high official in the play styled it, a pasquinade on… … Wikipedia
Edgar Fawcett — (May 26, 1847 May 2, 1904) was an American novelist and poet. Fawcett was born in New York on May 26, 1847, and spent much of his life there. Educated at Columbia College, he obtained the A.B. there in 1867 and his M.A. three years later. At… … Wikipedia
anglomane — [ ɑ̃glɔman ] n. • 1764; de anglo et mane ♦ Vieilli Personne qui imite et admire sans discernement les Anglais et leurs usages. ● anglomane nom et adjectif Imitateur, admirateur excessif des usages anglais. anglomane n. Litt. Personne qui admire à … Encyclopédie Universelle
anglomaniaque — ⇒ANGLOMANIAQUE, adj. Néol. Qui présente tous les excès de l anglomanie : • 1. Devant toute une page de ces horribles détails anglomaniaques, Denis (...) qui n oserait entrer chez Emil s ou Adrienne s, (...) Denis sent qu il va s évanouir.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anglomania — (n.) 1787; see ANGLO (Cf. Anglo ) + MANIA (Cf. mania). Related: Anglomaniac … Etymology dictionary