

1> _ист. французский язык норманнов
2> англо-французский
3> _ист. относящийся к англо-норманнскому языку,

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "anglofrench" в других словарях:

  • Charles VII, King of France — (1403–1461)    Although his reign was spent reconquering the Lancastrian controlled areas of FRANCE, Charles VII gave cautious support to the house of LANCASTER during the first phase of the WARS OF THE ROSES.    In 1411, the violent and… …   Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses

  • in|ure — «ihn YUR», verb, ured, ur|ing. –v.t. to toughen or harden; accustom; habituate: »Poverty had inured the beggar to hardship. SYNONYM(S): season. –v.i. to have effect; be useful: »The agreement inures to the benefit of the employees. Also …   Useful english dictionary

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