

1> _церк. англокатолический

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "anglocatholic" в других словарях:

  • Anglo-Catholicism — The terms Anglo Catholic and Anglo Catholicism (or sometimes, possibly incorrectly, High Church mdash;see below) describe people, groups, ideas, customs and practices within Anglicanism that emphasise continuity with Catholic tradition. Although… …   Wikipedia

  • Society of Mary (Anglican) — The Society of Mary is an Anglican devotional society dedicated to and under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As its website states, it is a group of Anglican Christians dedicated to the Glory of God and the Holy Incarnation of Christ… …   Wikipedia

  • Anglican Missal — The Anglican Missal is a liturgical book often used at Mass by Anglo Catholics and other High Church Anglicans instead of the Book of Common Prayer.HistoryThe Anglican Missal was first produced in England in 1921 by the Society of Saints Peter… …   Wikipedia

  • Anglican Breviary — The Anglican Breviary is a privately published Anglo Catholic edition of the Divine Office translated into English. It is based on the Roman Breviary as it existed prior to the Second Vatican Council. It contains the liturgical offices of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Anglokatholizismus — Anglo Katholizismus (auch als High Church bekannt) ist eine Strömung innerhalb der Kirche von England, die den Anglikanismus katholisch, d.h. sakramental und in bruchloser Tradition mit der Alten Kirche interpretiert. Das schließt das katholische …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • High Church — Anglo Katholizismus (auch als High Church bekannt) ist eine Strömung innerhalb der Kirche von England, die den Anglikanismus katholisch, d.h. sakramental und in bruchloser Tradition mit der Alten Kirche interpretiert. Das schließt das katholische …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dissenting Gothic — Abney Park Chapel (1840) is an example of Dissenting Gothic architecture. Dissenting Gothic is a distinctive style of neo Gothic architecture in its own right that emerged primarily in Britain, its colonies and North America, during the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gore, Charles — (1853–1932)    Bishop, Theologian and Order Founder.    Gore was educated at the University of Oxford. He was ordained in 1875 and in 1883 he became the first Principal of Pusey House. He was a dedicated AngloCatholic, but he brought a degree of… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Bellerby, Frances — (1899 1975)    Frances Parker was the daughter of an AngloCatholic curate in East Bristol and was educated at Mortimer House School, Clifton. She worked as a kennel maid, taught English, Latin and games, was a private tutor, and was on the staff… …   British and Irish poets

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