- goffer
- 1. [ʹgəʋfə] n
1. щипцы для гофрировки2. гофрировка2. [ʹgəʋfə] vгофрировать, плоить
to goffer paper [lace] - гофрировать бумагу [кружева]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to goffer paper [lace] - гофрировать бумагу [кружева]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
goffer — [gäf′ər, gôf′ər] vt. [Fr gaufrer, to crimp < gaufre, waffle < Du wafel, WAFFLE1] to pleat, crimp, or flute (cloth, paper, etc.) n. 1. an iron used to goffer cloth, etc. 2. the act of pleating or fluting; also, a series of pleats, crimps, or … English World dictionary
Goffer — Gof fer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Goffered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Goffering}.] [See {Gauffer}.] To plait, flute, or crimp. See {Gauffer}. Clarke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Goffer — Goffer, s. Taschenratte … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Goffer — Goffer, s. Taschenratten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
goffer — or gauffer transitive verb Etymology: French gaufrer, from gaufre honeycomb, waffle, from Old French, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch wafel waffle Date: 1706 to crimp, plait, or flute (as linen or lace) especially with a heated iron •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
goffer — /gof euhr/, n. 1. an ornamental plaiting used for frills and borders, as on women s caps. v.t. 2. to flute (a frill, ruffle, etc.), as with a heated iron. Also, gauffer. [1700 10; < F gaufre waffle < MD wafel WAFFLE] * * * … Universalium
goffer — verb /ˈɡɒfə/ To make wavy; to crimp. On the back of a chair beside the bed sits perched above the discarded chip hat something apparently precious and taken from the opened bundle on the floor: a flat white cambric hat, its fronts and sides… … Wiktionary
goffer — Synonyms and related words: aqueduct, canal, canalization, canalize, carve, chamfer, channel, chisel, corrugate, crack, crimp, cut, dado, dike, ditch, engrave, entrenchment, flute, fosse, furrow, gash, gouge, groove, gully, gutter, ha ha, incise … Moby Thesaurus
goffer — see WAFER … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
goffer — gof·fer || gÉ‘fÉ™(r) / gəʊf n. eagerly energetic person; decorative ruffle made by pressing pleats; iron used for pressing pleats and borders; crimper v. make waves or crimp hair using a heated iron; make pleats in fabric to produce an… … English contemporary dictionary
goffer — [ gɒfə] verb [usu. as adjective goffered] 1》 crimp or flute (a lace edge or frill) with heated irons. 2》 [as adjective goffered] (of the gilt edges of a book) embossed with a repeating design. noun an iron used to crimp or flute lace. Origin C16 … English new terms dictionary