- goddess
- [ʹgɒdıs] n
1. богиня
goddess of love - богиня любви (Венера)
goddess of wisdom - богиня мудрости (Афина)
2. 1) королева красоты2) обожаемая женщина
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
goddess of love - богиня любви (Венера)
goddess of wisdom - богиня мудрости (Афина)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
goddess — [gäd′is] n. [ME godesse] 1. a female god 2. a woman greatly admired, as for her beauty 3. [also G ] a feminine deity proposed by some as having been worshiped from ancient times and as variously present as a goddess in many of the world s myths… … English World dictionary
Goddess — God dess, n. 1. A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex. [1913 Webster] When the daughter of Jupiter presented herself among a crowd of goddesses, she was distinguished by her graceful stature and superior beauty. Addison. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
goddess — mid 14c., from GOD (Cf. god) + fem. suffix esse (see ESS (Cf. ess)). Of mortal women, by 1570s … Etymology dictionary
goddess — ► NOUN 1) a female deity. 2) a woman who is adored, especially for her beauty … English terms dictionary
Goddess — For other uses, see Goddess (disambiguation). A statue of the Hindu goddess Saraswati … Wikipedia
goddess — The worship of the goddess in India probably began in Neolithic times. There are several figurines from goddess 167 J the INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION (c. 3600–1900 B.C.E.) that appear to be goddess figurines and indicate a focus on the divine … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
goddess — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ pagan ▪ Egyptian, Roman, etc. ▪ ancient ▪ fertility, mother ▪ … Collocations dictionary
goddess — UK [ˈɡɒdes] / US [ˈɡɑdəs] noun [countable] Word forms goddess : singular goddess plural goddesses 1) one of the female spirits or beings with special powers that people in some religions believe in and worship the Greek goddess, Athena 2) a) a… … English dictionary
goddess — god|dess Goddess [ˈgɔdıs US ˈga: ] n 1.) a female ↑being who is believed to control the world or part of it, or represents a particular quality ▪ Aphrodite, goddess of love 2.) screen goddess an attractive female film star … Dictionary of contemporary English
Goddess — noun /ˈɡɒdes/ a) The single goddess of various monotheistic religions. b) The single female goddess of various ditheistic religions. <! eg Wicca Syn: Divine Mother … Wiktionary
goddess — god|dess [ gadəs ] noun count 1. ) one of the female spirits or BEINGS with special powers that people in some religions believe in and worship: the Greek goddess, Athena 2. ) a very beautiful woman a ) a woman who many people admire or copy: pop … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English