- gnomic gnomical
gnomic, gnomical
1> гномический, афористический
gnomic, gnomical aorist _грам. аорист, употребляемый в
афоризмах (поговорках)
gnomic, gnomical poet сочинитель афоризмов (поговорок)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gnomical — Gnomic Gnom ic, Gnomical Gnom ic*al, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ?: cf. F. gnomique. See {Gnome} maxim.] Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic. [1913 Webster] A city long famous as the seat of elegiac and gnomic … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gnomic — Gnom ic, Gnomical Gnom ic*al, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ?: cf. F. gnomique. See {Gnome} maxim.] Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic. [1913 Webster] A city long famous as the seat of elegiac and gnomic poetry … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gnomic Poets — Gnomic Gnom ic, Gnomical Gnom ic*al, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ?: cf. F. gnomique. See {Gnome} maxim.] Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic. [1913 Webster] A city long famous as the seat of elegiac and gnomic … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gnomic — full of instructive sayings, 1815, from Fr. gnomique (18c.) and directly from L.L. gnomicus concerned with maxims, didactic, from Gk. gnomikos, from gnome thought, opinion, maxim, intelligence, from root of gignoskein to come to know (see GNOSTIC … Etymology dictionary
gnomic — gnomic1 /noh mik, nom ik/, adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling a gnome. [1805 15; GNOME1 + IC] gnomic2 gnomically, adv. /noh mik, nom ik/, adj. 1. like or containing gnomes or aphorisms. 2. of, pertaining to, or noting a writer of aphorisms,… … Universalium
gnomic — /ˈnoʊmɪk / (say nohmik), /ˈnɒm / (say nom ) adjective 1. like or containing gnomes or aphorisms. 2. of, relating to, or denoting a writer of aphorisms, especially certain Greek poets. Also, gnomical. {Greek gnōmikos} –gnomically, adverb …
compact — I (dense) adjective arranged within a small space, bunched, close, close knit, close set, close together, closely united, clustered, cohesive, compacted, compressed, concentrated, condensed, consolidated, constricted, constringed, contracted,… … Law dictionary
axiomatic — adj 1. self evident, apodictic, manifestly true, patently true, unquestionable, incontestable; manifest, certain, absolute; generally known, universally acknowledged, understood, granted, given, assumed, presupposed. 2. aphoristic, proverbial,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder