
[glıf] n
1. архит. глиф
2. археол. рельефно вырезанная фигура
3. символический знак (стрела и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "glyph" в других словарях:

  • Glyph — (gl[i^]f), n. [Gr. glyfh carving, fr. gly fein to carve: cf. F. glyphe. Cf. {Cleave} to split.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken channel or groove, usually vertical. See {Triglyph}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch[ae]ol.) A carved figure or character, incised or in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • glyph — 1727, ornamental groove in architecture, from Fr. glyphe (1701), from Gk. glyphe a carving, from glyphein to hollow out, cut out with a knife, engrave, carve, from PIE root *gleubh to cut, slice (Cf. L. glubere to peel, shell, strip, O.E. cleofan …   Etymology dictionary

  • glyph — [glif] n. [Gr glyphē, a carving < glyphein, to carve, cut < IE base * gleubh > CLEAVE1] 1. a pictograph or other symbolic character or sign, esp. when cut into a surface or carved in relief 2. Archit. a vertical channel or groove glyphic …   English World dictionary

  • glyph|ic — «GLIHF ihk», adjective. 1. of or having to do with carving or modeling. 2. like carving or modeling; sculptured; sculptural …   Useful english dictionary

  • glyph — an·a·glyph; an·a·glyph·ic; an·a·glyph·ics; an·a·glyph·o·scope; coe·lan·a·glyph·ic; der·mato·glyph·ic; der·mato·glyph·ics; di·a·glyph; di·a·glyph·ic; di·glyph; glyph·ic; hemi·glyph; her·mo·glyph·ic; hi·er·o·glyph·ist; in·ter·glyph; lith·o·glyph;… …   English syllables

  • Glyph — A glyph is an element of writing. Two or more glyphs representing the same symbol, whether interchangeable or context dependent, are called allographs; the abstract unit they are variants of is called a grapheme or character. Glyphs may also be… …   Wikipedia

  • glyph — [[t]glɪf[/t]] n. 1) a pictograph or hieroglyph 2) a sculptured figure or relief carving 3) archit. an ornamental vertical channel or groove, esp. in Doric architecture 4) any symbol bearing information nonverbally, as a crossed out cigarette on a …   From formal English to slang

  • glyph — glyphic, adj. /glif/, n. 1. a pictograph or hieroglyph. 2. a sculptured figure or relief carving. 3. Archit. an ornamental channel or groove. [1720 30; < Gk glyph(é) carving, deriv. of glýphein to hollow out] * * * …   Universalium

  • glyph — Глиф (Glyph)     Конкретное изображение знака наборного шрифта определенной гарнитуры [семейство начертаний шрифта, с общими стилевыми особенностями] и начертания [вариант рисунка шрифта, входящий в одну гарнитуру]. Одна и та же графема может… …   Шрифтовая терминология

  • glyph — glifas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Rašmens piešinys. Suprantamas nevienodai: 1) abstraktus, t. y. nepriklausomas nuo rašmens vaizdavimo šrifto arba stiliaus ir 2) konkretus, t. y. kiekvienas kitoks rašmens vaizdavimas (pvz.,… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Glyph (Transformers) — Glyph is a character from the Transformers toy and comic book line.Transformers: UniverseTransformers character name =Glyph caption = japanname = affiliation =Autobot subgroup =Convention Exclusives Female Transformers Mini Bots rank = function …   Wikipedia

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