- glorify
- [ʹglɔ:rıfaı] v
1. прославлять
the names which glorified this age - имена, прославившие наш век
2. 1) превозносить, хвалитьto glorify common life - восхвалять простую жизнь
2) возвеличивать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the names which glorified this age - имена, прославившие наш век
to glorify common life - восхвалять простую жизнь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Glorify — Glo ri*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Glorified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Glorifying}.] [F. glorifier, L. glorificare; gloria glory + ficare (in comp.) to make. See { fy}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To make glorious by bestowing glory upon; to confer honor and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
glorify — mid 14c., from O.Fr. glorifier, from L.L. glorificare to glorify, from L. gloria (see GLORY (Cf. glory)) + ficare, from facere to make, do (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). Related: GLORIFIED (Cf. Glorified); … Etymology dictionary
glorify — [v1] praise acclaim, bless, boost, build up, celebrate, commend, cry up, eulogize, exalt, extol, hike, honor, hymn, laud, lionize, magnify, panegyrize, put on a pedestal*, put up, sing the praises of*; concept 69 Ant. castigate, condemn,… … New thesaurus
glorify — I verb adore, aggrandize, apotheosize, beatify, bless, brighten, canonize, celebrate, deify, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, exalt, extol, glamorize, honor, idolatrize, idolize, immortalize, laud, magnify, make illustrious, overestimate,… … Law dictionary
glorify — *dignify, ennoble, honor Analogous words: extol, laud, acclaim (see PRAISE): *exalt, magnify … New Dictionary of Synonyms
glorify — ► VERB (glorifies, glorified) 1) describe or represent as admirable, especially unjustifiably or undeservedly. 2) (glorified) represented as or appearing more elevated or special than is the case: a glorified courier. 3) praise and worship (God) … English terms dictionary
glorify — [glôr′ə fī΄] vt. glorified, glorifying [ME glorifien < OFr glorifier < LL(Ec) glorificare: see GLORY & FY] 1. to make glorious; give glory to 2. to exalt and honor (God), as in worship 3. to praise extravagantly; honor; extol … English World dictionary
glorify — UK [ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪ] / US [ˈɡlɔrəˌfaɪ] verb [transitive] Word forms glorify : present tense I/you/we/they glorify he/she/it glorifies present participle glorifying past tense glorified past participle glorified 1) to make someone or something seem… … English dictionary
glorify — glo|ri|fy [ glɔrə,faı ] verb transitive 1. ) to make someone or something seem more impressive than they really are: Politicians have complained that the media constantly glorify drugs. 2. ) LITERARY to praise someone: Her sole purpose in life… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
glorify — [[t]glɔ͟ːrɪfaɪ[/t]] glorifies, glorifying, glorified 1) VERB To glorify something means to praise it or make it seem good or special, usually when it is not. [V n] This magazine in no way glorifies gangs. [V n] ...the banning of songs glorifying… … English dictionary
glorify — verb (T) 1 to make someone or something seem more important or better than they really are: films which glorify violence 2 glorify God/the Lord etc to give praise and thanks to God glorification / glO:rifi keISDn/ noun (+ of): the glorification… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English