- glittery
- [ʹglıt(ə)rı] a
сверкающий; блестящий
the glittery rich - богачи в блеске своей роскоши
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the glittery rich - богачи в блеске своей роскоши
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
glittery — [glit′ər ē] adj. having glitter; glittering … English World dictionary
glittery — [[t]glɪ̱təri[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is glittery shines with a lot of very small points of light. ...a gold suit and a glittery bow tie … English dictionary
glittery — glitter ► VERB 1) shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light. 2) (glittering) impressively successful or glamorous: a glittering career. ► NOUN 1) bright, shimmering reflected light. 2) tiny pieces of sparkling material used for decoration.… … English terms dictionary
glittery — adjective having brief brilliant points or flashes of light bugle beads all aglitter glinting eyes glinting water his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent shop window full of glittering Christmas trees glittery costume jewelry scintillant… … Useful english dictionary
glittery — adjective see glitter II … New Collegiate Dictionary
glittery — /glit euh ree/, adj. glittering; sparkling. [1750 60; GLITTER + Y1] * * * … Universalium
glittery — adjective That glitters … Wiktionary
glittery — glit|ter|y [ glıtəri ] adjective INFORMAL bright and shining with a lot of quick flashes of light … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
glittery — adj. sparkly, shiny, reflecting light, brilliant … English contemporary dictionary
glittery — glit·tery … English syllables
glittery — UK [ˈɡlɪtərɪ] / US adjective informal bright and shining with a lot of quick flashes of light … English dictionary