gliding flight

gliding flight
планирующий полёт

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gliding flight" в других словарях:

  • gliding flight — sklandymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. glide; gliding flight vok. Gleitflug, m; Segelflug, m rus. планирование, n pranc. vol plané, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • flight — flight1 /fluyt/, n. 1. the act, manner, or power of flying. 2. the distance covered or the course taken by a flying object: a 500 mile flight; the flight of the ball. 3. a trip by an airplane, glider, etc. 4. a scheduled trip on an airline: a 5 o …   Universalium

  • Gliding — is a recreational activity and competitive sport in which pilots fly un powered aircraft known as gliders or sailplanes. Properly, the term gliding refers to descending flight of a heavier than air craft, whereas soaring is the correct term to… …   Wikipedia

  • Flight — is the process by which an object achieves sustained movement either through the air (or movement beyond earth s atmosphere, in the case of spaceflight) by aerodynamically generating lift, propulsive thrust or aerostatically using… …   Wikipedia

  • Gliding (disambiguation) — Gliding is in general unpowered flight using an aerofoil mechanism to gain lift. It can refer to*Unpowered flight in animals: Many animals can glide but not fly such as flying squirrels, flying snakes, or flying fish. Many animals with powered… …   Wikipedia

  • flight — [n1] flying; journey aerial navigation, aeronautics, arrival, aviation, avigation, departure, gliding, hop, jump, mounting, navigation, shuttle, soaring, take off, transport, trip, volitation, voyage, winging; concept 224 flight [n2] fleeing;… …   New thesaurus

  • Gliding competition — Competition grid at 2004 UK Standard Class Nationals, Aston Down Some of the pilots in the sport of gliding take part in gliding competitions. These are usually racing competitions, but there are also aerobatic contests and on line league tables …   Wikipedia

  • Bird flight — Flight is the main mode of locomotion used by most of the world s bird species. Flight assists birds while feeding, breeding and avoiding predators.Evolution of bird flightMost paleontologists agree that birds evolved from small theropod… …   Wikipedia

  • Gliding competitions — Some of the pilots in the sport of gliding take part in gliding competitions. These are usually racing competitions, but there are also aerobatic contests and cross country distance competitions. Many other pilots enjoy flying cross country just… …   Wikipedia

  • Flight endurance record — The flight endurance record is the amount of time spent in the air. It can be a solo event, or multiple people can take turns piloting the aircraft in shifts. The limit initially was the amount of fuel that could be stored for the flight, but… …   Wikipedia

  • gliding — ▪ sport also called  soaring         flight in an unpowered heavier than air craft. Any engineless aircraft (airplane), from the simplest hang glider to a space shuttle on its return flight to the Earth, is a glider. The glider is powered by… …   Universalium

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