- gleg
- [gleg] a шотл.
1. оживлённый; живой; радостный, весёлый2. проницательный; способный; проворный
gleg at the uptake - смекалистый, сметливый
3. 1) острый как нож2) гладкий или скользкий как лёд
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gleg at the uptake - смекалистый, сметливый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gleg — gleg; gleg·ly; gleg·ness; … English syllables
Gleg — Gleg, a. [Icel. gl[ o]ggr.] Quick of perception; alert; sharp. [Scot.] Jamieson … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gleg — /gleg/, adj. Scot. quick; keen. [1250 1300; ME < ON gløggr; c. OE gleaw, OS, OHG glau wise; akin to GLOW] * * * … Universalium
gleĝ- — gleĝ English meaning: soft, tender Deutsche Übersetzung: “weich, zart” Material: Nasalized in O.Ice. kløkkr “ soft, pliable, flexible, sentimental “ (from *klinku̯az), O.Ice. kløkkva “ become soft, show faintheartedness or grief … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gleg´ly — gleg1 «glehg», adjective. Scottish and Northern English. 1. quick in perception; sharp sighted; quick witted. 2. quick in action. 3. lively; cheerful: »Dr. Dinwiddie was a gleg man, of a jocose nature (John Galt) … Useful english dictionary
gleg — 1. verb To glance. 2. noun A look or glance. And besides, youd do the tomb so well. Everybody feels as if they want a gleg at the skeleton in your vault … Wiktionary
gleg´ness — gleg1 «glehg», adjective. Scottish and Northern English. 1. quick in perception; sharp sighted; quick witted. 2. quick in action. 3. lively; cheerful: »Dr. Dinwiddie was a gleg man, of a jocose nature (John Galt) … Useful english dictionary
gleg — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse glǫggr clear sighted Date: 14th century Scottish marked by quickness of perception or movement … New Collegiate Dictionary
gleg — I Cleveland Dialect List to cast side looks, to glance furtively II Hartlepool Slang have a look III North Country (Newcastle) Words to glance, or rather to look sharp; adjective = quick, clever, adroit, knowing, skilful … English dialects glossary
gleg — … Useful english dictionary
Gleg-gabit — smooth tongued and glib … Scottish slang