
1. [gɜ:dl] n
1. 1) пояс; кушак
2) корсет или пояс (особ. из эластичной ткани)
2. тех. обойма, кольцо
3. 1) анат. пояс

girdle sensation - мед. опоясывающая боль, ощущение обруча

2) = girdlestead
4. метеор. (климатический) пояс
5. кольцо (на дереве - при кольцевании)
6. экваториальная плоскость (шлифованного алмаза и т. п.)
7. геол. тонкий прослоек песчаника

the girdle of the world - уст. экватор

to have /to hold/ smb. under one's girdle - держать кого-л. под башмаком

2. [gɜ:dl] v
1. подпоясывать
2. окружать (тж. girdle about, girdle in, girdle round)

the hills that girdle in the town, the hills that girdle the town about - холмы, которые окружают город

3. кольцевать (плодовое дерево)
II [gɜ:dl] n шотл.
круглый противень, подвешенный над огнём

like a hen on a hot girdle - ≅ как на угольях

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "girdle" в других словарях:

  • Girdle — Gir dle, n. [OE. gurdel, girdel, AS. gyrdel, fr. gyrdan; akin to D. gordel, G. g[ u]rtel, Icel. gyr?ill. See {Gird}, v. t., to encircle, and cf. {Girth}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. That which girds, encircles, or incloses; a circumference; a belt; esp …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • girdle — Gir dle, n. [OE. gurdel, girdel, AS. gyrdel, fr. gyrdan; akin to D. gordel, G. g[ u]rtel, Icel. gyr?ill. See {Gird}, v. t., to encircle, and cf. {Girth}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. That which girds, encircles, or incloses; a circumference; a belt; esp …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • girdle — [gʉrd′ l] n. [ME girdil < OE gyrdel < base of gyrdan (see GIRD1): akin to Ger gürtel] 1. Archaic a belt or sash for the waist 2. anything that surrounds or encircles ☆ 3. a woman s elasticized undergarment for supporting or molding the… …   English World dictionary

  • Girdle — Gir dle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Girdled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Girdling}.] 1. To bind with a belt or sash; to gird. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To inclose; to environ; to shut in. [1913 Webster] Those sleeping stones, That as a waist doth girdle you about …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • girdle — (n.) O.E. gyrdel belt, sash, cord about the waist, common Germanic. (Cf. O.N. gyrðill, Swed. gördel, O.Fris. gerdel, Du. gordel, O.H.G. gurtil, Ger. Gürtel belt ), related to O.E. gyrdan to gird (see GIRD (Cf. gird)). Modern euphemistic sense of …   Etymology dictionary

  • girdle — [1] ► NOUN 1) a belt or cord worn round the waist. 2) a woman s elasticated corset extending from waist to thigh. ► VERB ▪ encircle with a girdle or belt. ORIGIN Old English, related to GIRD(Cf. ↑gird) and G …   English terms dictionary

  • Girdle — Gir dle, n. A griddle. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • girdle — index circumscribe (surround by boundary), embrace (encircle), enclose, enclosure, encompass (surround), hedge …   Law dictionary

  • girdle — vb *surround, environ, encircle, circle, encompass, compass, hem, gird, ring Analogous words: see those at GIRD (to surround) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • girdle — [n] corset band, belt, sash, undergarment, underwear, waistband; concept 451 …   New thesaurus

  • Girdle — This article is about the item of clothing. In the Scots language, girdle refers to a cooking griddle. In malacology a girdle is part of a chiton.The word girdle originally meant a belt. In modern English the term girdle is most commonly used for …   Wikipedia

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