- angeleno
- 1. [͵ændʒıʹli:|nəʋ] n (pl -nos [-{͵ændʒıʹli:}nəʋz]) разг.
уроженец или житель Лос-Анджелеса2. [͵ændʒıʹli:nəʋ] a разг.относящийся к Лос-Анджелесу, лосанджелесский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Angeleno — (angelena au féminin), est un gentilé utilisé pour parler d un habitant ou de quelque chose relatif à la ville de Los Angeles, en Californie. Usages Situation de Los Angeles Le climat angeleno Les studios angelenos Les autoroutes angelenas … Wikipédia en Français
Angeleno — resident or native of Los Angeles, 1888, from Amer.Sp. Angeleño, from (Los) Angeles + eño, suffix indicating a native or resident. See LOS ANGELES (Cf. Los Angeles) … Etymology dictionary
Angeleno — ☆ Angeleno [an΄jə lē′nō ] n. pl. Angelenos [AmSp < (LOS) ANGEL(ES) + Sp eño, suffix denoting inhabitant of given location < L enus < Gr ēnos] a person born or living in Los Angeles … English World dictionary
angeleno — an·ge·lè·no agg., s.m. BU agg., relativo alla città di Los Angeles | s.m., nativo o abitante di Los Angeles {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: dall ingl. dell America sett. angeleno, dallo sp. messicano angeleño … Dizionario italiano
Angeleno — UK [ˌændʒəˈliːnəʊ] / US [ˌændʒəˈlɪnoʊ] noun [countable] Word forms Angeleno : singular Angeleno plural Angelenos informal someone from Los Angeles … English dictionary
Angeleno — noun (plural nos) Etymology: American Spanish angeleño, from Los Angeles, Calif. Date: 1888 a native or resident of Los Angeles, Calif … New Collegiate Dictionary
Angeleno — /an jeuh lee noh/, n., pl. Angelenos, adj. n. 1. Also called Los Angeleno. a native or inhabitant of Los Angeles: a cheering crowd of Angelenos. adj. 2. of or pertaining to Los Angeles. * * * … Universalium
Angeleno — [ˌandʒə li:nəʊ] (also Los Angeleno, Angelino) noun (plural Angelenos) a native or inhabitant of Los Angeles. Origin C19: from Amer. Sp … English new terms dictionary
Angeleno — An•ge•le•no [[t]ˌæn dʒəˈli noʊ[/t]] n. pl. nos peo geg Also called Los Angeleno a native or resident of Los Angeles. • Etymology: 1885–90; < AmerSpangeleño … From formal English to slang
angeleño — noun see angeleno … Useful english dictionary
Angeleno — noun A native or resident of Los Angeles … Wiktionary