- gigantomachy
- [͵dʒaıgənʹtɒməkı] n греч. миф.
гигантомахия, война гигантов против богов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gigantomachy — Gi gan*tom a*chy, n. [L. gigantomachia, fr. Gr. ?; ?, ?, giant + ? battle: cf. F. gigantomachie.] A war of giants; especially, the fabulous war of the giants against heaven … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gigantomachy — [jī΄gan täm′ə kē] n. 〚LL gigantomachia < Gr < gigas (see GIANT) + machē, battle〛 1. [G ] Gr. Myth. the war between the giants and the gods 2. a war between giant powers * * * … Universalium
gigantomachy — [jī΄gan täm′ə kē] n. [LL gigantomachia < Gr < gigas (see GIANT) + machē, battle] 1. [G ] Gr. Myth. the war between the giants and the gods 2. a war between giant powers … English World dictionary
gigantomachy — noun In Greek mythology, the uprising of the Gigantes against the Olympian gods … Wiktionary
gigantomachy — war of giants against the gods Fighting and Combat … Phrontistery dictionary
gigantomachy — [ˌdʒʌɪgan tɒməki] noun (in Greek mythology) the struggle between the gods and the giants. Origin C16: from Gk gigantomakhia, from gigas, gigant (see giant) + makhia fighting … English new terms dictionary
gigantomachy — A war between giants … Grandiloquent dictionary
gigantomachy — gigantoˈmachy / ki/ or gigantomachia / tō mākˈi ə/ noun (Gr machē fight) a war of giants, esp against the gods • • • Main Entry: ↑gigantic … Useful english dictionary
Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy — Paris, CdM 573: Poseidon im Kampf gegen den Giganten Polybotos Der sogenannte Maler der Pariser Gigantomachie (tätig um 490 – 470 v. Chr.) war ein attischer Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils. Seinen Notnamen erhielt er nach der Schale 573 in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giants (Greek mythology) — Gigantomachia: Dionysos attacking a Giant, Attic red figure pelike, c. 460 BC, Louvre. Gigantes redirects here. For the Giants in other cultures, see Giant (mythology). For the giant figures of Spanish culture, see Gigantes y cabezudos. For the… … Wikipedia
Gigantes — See gigantes y cabezudos for the giant figures of Spanish culture. In Greek mythology, the Gigantes (Γίγαντες; singular Gigas ) or, commonly, Giants, were a race of giants, children of Gaia or Gaea, who was fertilized by the blood of Ouranos when … Wikipedia