- giblets
- [ʹdʒıblıts] n pl
гусиные потроха
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Giblets — (IPA2|ˈdʒɪblɪts) are the edible offal of a fowl, typically including the heart, gizzard, liver, and other visceral organs. The term is culinary usage only; zoologists do not refer to the giblets of a bird. Giblets is pronounced with a soft g… … Wikipedia
Giblets — Gib lets, n. pl. [OE. gibelet, OF. gibelet game: cf. F. gibelotte stewed rabbit. Cf. {Gibbier}.] The inmeats, or edible viscera (heart, gizzard, liver, etc.), of poultry. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
giblets — mid 15c. (in singular, gybelet), from O.Fr. gibelet game stew, of uncertain origin, perhaps from Frankish *gabaiti hunting with falcons, related to O.H.G. beizan to fly a falcon, lit. to cause to bite, from bizzan to bite … Etymology dictionary
giblets — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ the liver, heart, gizzard, and neck of a chicken or other fowl, usually removed before the bird is cooked. ORIGIN Old French gibelet game bird stew , probably from gibier game hunted for sport … English terms dictionary
giblets — [[t]ʤɪ̱blɪts[/t]] N PLURAL Giblets are the parts such as the heart and liver that you remove from inside a chicken or other bird before you cook and eat it. Some people cook the giblets separately to make soup or a sauce … English dictionary
giblets — noun plural Etymology: Middle English gibelet giblets piece, nonessential bit, from Anglo French gibelot, from Old French (Picard) giblé stew of wildfowl Date: 15th century the edible viscera of a fowl … New Collegiate Dictionary
giblets — noun Giblets is used after these nouns: ↑chicken … Collocations dictionary
giblets — [14] French gibier means ‘game’ – in the sense ‘hunted animals’ (it comes from Frankish *gabaiti ‘hunting with falcons’). In the Old French period this seems to have produced a diminutive form *giberet, literally ‘small game’, which, though never … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
giblets — [14] French gibier means ‘game’ – in the sense ‘hunted animals’ (it comes from Frankish *gabaiti ‘hunting with falcons’). In the Old French period this seems to have produced a diminutive form *giberet, literally ‘small game’, which, though never … Word origins
Giblets (disambiguation) — Giblets may refer to: * Giblets, the edible offal of a fowl * Gibs, a gamer slang expression for the remnants of a kill * Gibelet, a 13th century Crusader holding, today known as Byblos * Guelphs and Ghibellines, Crusader factions … Wikipedia
giblets — gib·lets (jĭbʹlĭts) pl.n. The edible heart, liver, or gizzard of a fowl. [From Middle English gibelet, from Old French, game stew, perhaps alteration of *giberet, from gibier, game.] * * * … Universalium