- gibberish
- [ʹdʒıb(ə)rıʃ] n
1) невнятная, непонятная речь, тарабарщина
foreign gibberish - непонятный иностранный язык
2) бессмысленная, глупая речь, тарабарщина
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
foreign gibberish - непонятный иностранный язык
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gibberish — is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but has no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can… … Wikipedia
gibberish — gibberish, mummery, hocus pocus, abracadabra are comparable as terms of contempt applied to something which is in itself unintelligible or meaningless to the person concerned. They are often used interchangeably but are not true synonyms.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
gibberish — gib ber*ish (j[i^]b b[ e]r*[i^]sh or g[i^]b b[ e]r*[i^]sh), n. [From {Gibber}, v. i.] 1. Rapid and inarticulate talk; unintelligible language; unmeaning words. [1913 Webster] He, like a gypsy, oftentimes would go; All kinds of gibberish he had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gibberish — Gib ber*ish, a. Unmeaning; as, gibberish language. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gibberish — index jargon (unintelligible language) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
gibberish — 1550s, imitative of the sound of chatter, probably influenced by JABBER (Cf. jabber). Used early 17c. of the language of rogues and gypsies … Etymology dictionary
gibberish — [n] nonsense talk babble, balderdash*, blah blah*, blather, chatter, claptrap*, double talk*, drivel, gobbledygook*, hocuspocus*, jabber*, jargon, mumbo jumbo*, palaver*, prattle, scat*, twaddle*, yammer*; concept 278 Ant. sense … New thesaurus
gibberish — ► NOUN ▪ unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense … English terms dictionary
gibberish — [jib′ər ish] n. [< GIBBER] rapid and incoherent talk; unintelligible chatter; jargon … English World dictionary
gibberish — [[t]ʤɪ̱bərɪʃ[/t]] N UNCOUNT If you describe someone s words or ideas as gibberish, you mean that they do not make any sense. When he was talking to a girl he could hardly speak, and when he did speak he talked gibberish. Syn: nonsense … English dictionary
gibberish — gib|ber|ish [ˈdʒıbərıʃ] n [U] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from gibber] something you write or say that has no meaning, or is very difficult to understand = ↑nonsense ▪ You re talking gibberish ! … Dictionary of contemporary English