- geriatrics
- [͵dʒerıʹætrıks] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
geriatrics — coined 1909 by Austrian born doctor Ignatz L. Nascher (1863 1944) in New York Medical Journal on the model of PEDIATRICS (Cf. pediatrics) (Cf. ICS (Cf. ics)), from the same elements found in GERIATRIC (Cf. geriatric) (q.v.). The correct formation … Etymology dictionary
geriatrics — ► PLURAL NOUN (treated as sing. or pl. ) ▪ the branch of medicine or social science concerned with the health and care of old people. DERIVATIVES geriatrician noun … English terms dictionary
geriatrics — ☆ geriatrics [jer΄ē a′triks ] n. [< Gr gēras, old age, gerōn, old man (< IE base * ĝer , to grow ripe, age > CORN1, CHURL, Sans járant , feeble, old) + IATRICS] the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and problems of old age … English World dictionary
Geriatrics — Elderly female in residential care home Geriatrics is a sub specialty of internal medicine and family medicine that focuses on health care of elderly people.[1] It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities i … Wikipedia
geriatrics — geriatrija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Medicinos mokslų šaka, tirianti senėjimo priežastis ir reiškinius, senatvės ligas, jų gydymą ir profilaktiką, siekiant sustabdyti ankstyvą senėjimą. Kaip savarankiška šaka… … Sporto terminų žodynas
geriatrics — geriatrician /jer ee euh trish euhn/, geriatrist, n. /jer ee a triks, jear /, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases, debilities, and care of aged persons. 2. the study of the physical processes and problems … Universalium
geriatrics — noun a) The branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and the prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. The term itself can be distinguished from gerontology, which is the study of the aging process itself. b) ;… … Wiktionary
Geriatrics — The branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in older people and the problems specific to aging. From the Greek geron meaning old man + iatreia meaning the treatment of disease. . * * * The branch of… … Medical dictionary
geriatrics — ge|ri|at|rics [ˌdʒeriˈætrıks] n [U] the medical treatment and care of old people →↑gerontology >geriatrician [ˌdʒeriəˈtrıʃən] n … Dictionary of contemporary English
geriatrics — ger|i|at|rics [ ,dʒeri ætrıks ] noun uncount the medical study, treatment, and care of old people and their diseases … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
geriatrics — ger·i at·rics || ‚dÊ’erɪ ætrɪks n. study of diseases relating to old age; study of emotional and physical changes caused by aging, gerontology … English contemporary dictionary