Смотреть что такое "geothermics" в других словарях:
geothermics — geotermika statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Geofizikos šaka, tirianti dabartinį ir buvusį šilumos pasiskirstymą Žemėje, šilumos šaltinius, medžiagų, sudarančių vidines geosferas, termines savybes, terminius procesus, šilumos… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Hot spring — For places with similar name, see Hot Springs (disambiguation). Grand Prismatic Spring and Midway Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park A hot spring is a spring that is produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater … Wikipedia
Geothermal power — (from the Greek roots geo , meaning earth, and therme , meaning heat) is energy generated by heat stored in the earth, or the collection of absorbed heat derived from underground, in the atmosphere and oceans. Prince Piero Ginori Conti tested the … Wikipedia
Geothermal power in Turkey — Turkey currently has the 5th highest direct utilization and capacity of geothermal energy in the world. Turkey s capacity as of 2005 is 1495 MWt with a utilization of 24,839.9 TJ/year or 6900.5 GWh/year at a capacity factor of 0.53. Most of this… … Wikipedia
Marmarameer — Das Marmarameer Das Marmarameer (türkisch Marmara denizi, in der Antike Propontis) ist ein Binnenmeer des Mittelmeers. Über Bosporus und Dardanellen verbindet es das Schwarze Meer mit der Ägäis. Die verkehrsgünstige Lage begünstigte die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Economy of Turkey — Infobox Economy country = Turkey currency = New Turkish lira (YTL) year = calendar year organs = G 20 industrial nations, OECD, EU Customs Union, WTO, ECO, BSEC rank = 15 gdp = $941.6 billion [… … Wikipedia
Bouillante — French commune nomcommune=Bouillante Malendure Beach and the Pigeon Islets mapcaption=Location of the commune (in red) within Guadeloupe région=Guadeloupe département=Guadeloupe arrondissement=Basse Terre canton=Bouillante insee=97106 cp=97125… … Wikipedia
Rincón de la Vieja Volcano — Infobox Mountain Name = Rincón de la Vieja Photo = Rincon de la Vieja.jpg Caption = Rincón de la Vieja Elevation = convert|1916|m|ft|0|lk=off Location = Costa Rica Range = Cordillera de Guanacaste Coordinates = coord|10|50|N|85|19|W|type:mountain … Wikipedia
Champagne Pool — The orange colour originates from deposits of arsenic and antimony sulfides. Location Waiotapu, North Island … Wikipedia
Rosemanowes Quarry — Rosemanowes Quarry, near Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom, was the site of an early experiment in extracting geothermal energy from the earth using hot dry rock (HDR) technology. Geothermal energy research projectThe site was chosen because the… … Wikipedia
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment — The Faculty of Geology is part of the School of Sciences in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Early History The history of the Geological Sciences at Athens University until the year 1982 and the institutional change of the law 1268 … Wikipedia