- geometric mean
- [͵dʒıəʹmetrıkʹmi:n] мат.
геометрическое среднее (значение)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
geometric mean — n. Math. the n th root of the product of n factors [the geometric mean of 2 and 8 (or the mean proportional between 2 and 8) is √2H5, or 4] … English World dictionary
geometric mean — ► NOUN ▪ the central number in a geometric progression (e.g. 9 in 3, 9, 27), also calculable as the nth root of a product of n numbers … English terms dictionary
Geometric mean — The geometric mean, in mathematics, is a type of mean or average, which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers. It is similar to the arithmetic mean, which is what most people think of with the word average, except… … Wikipedia
Geometric Mean — The average of a set of products, the calculation of which is commonly used to determine the performance results of an investment or portfolio. Technically defined as the n th root product of n numbers , the formula for calculating geometric mean … Investment dictionary
geometric mean — noun the mean of n numbers expressed as the n th root of their product • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑mean, ↑mean value * * * geoˌmetric ˈmean [geometric mean] … Useful english dictionary
geometric mean — geometrinis vidurkis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Dydis, išreiškiamas n ąja šaknimi iš matuojamojo dydžio n verčių sandaugos. atitikmenys: angl. geometric average; geometric mean; geometrical mean vok. geometrisches … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
geometric mean — geometrinis vidurkis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. geometric average; geometric mean; geometrical mean vok. geometrisches Mittel, n rus. среднегеометрическое значение, n; среднее геометрическое, n pranc. moyenne géométrique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
geometric mean — ge′omet′ric mean′ n. math. the mean of n positive numbers obtained by taking the nth root of the product of the numbers: The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12[/ex] … From formal English to slang
geometric mean — noun Date: 1879 the nth root of the product of n numbers; specifically a number that is the second term of three consecutive terms of a geometric progression < the geometric mean of 9 and 4 is 6 > … New Collegiate Dictionary
geometric mean — Math. the mean of n positive numbers obtained by taking the nth root of the product of the numbers: The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12. * * * … Universalium
geometric mean — An average obtained by calculating the nth root of a set of n numbers. For example the geometric mean of 7, 100, and 107 is 3√74 900 = 42.15, which is considerably less than the arithmetic mean of 71.3 … Accounting dictionary