Смотреть что такое "geny" в других словарях:
Geny — Le nom est porté en Lorraine (54, 88), on le rencontre aussi en Savoie. Dans cette région, c est l équivalent de l ancien prénom Genis (voir ce nom). Pour la Lorraine, il en est peut être de même, mais on pensera aussi à un toponyme (cf. la… … Noms de famille
-geny — element meaning genesis, origin, production, from Fr. génie, from Gk. geneia, from genes born, produced (see GENUS (Cf. genus)) … Etymology dictionary
-geny — [jə nē] [Gr geneia < genēs: see GEN] combining form forming nouns origin, production, development [phylogeny] … English World dictionary
Geny — Cuissy et Geny Cuissy et Geny Ajouter une image Administration Pays France Région Picardie Département Aisne Arrondissement Laon Canton … Wikipédia en Français
-geny — comb. form forming nouns meaning mode of production or development of (anthropogeny; ontogeny; pathogeny). Etymology: F geacutenie (as GEN, Y(3)) * * * jənē, ni noun combining form ( es) Etymology … Useful english dictionary
geny — 1) , o, =s (G). The jaw, chin 2) geny (G). Production … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Gény, François — ▪ French jurist born December 17, 1861, Baccarat, Meurthe et Moselle, France died December 16, 1959, Nancy French law professor who originated the libre recherche scientifique (“free scientific research”) movement in jurisprudence. His… … Universalium
-geny — noun combining form Etymology: Greek geneia act of being born, from genēs born more at gen generation ; production < phylogeny > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-geny — a combining form meaning origin, used in the formation of compound words: phylogeny. [1885 90; < Gk geneia. See GEN, Y3] * * * … Universalium
-geny — [Gr. geneia, from genēs born] a word termination denoting generation or origin … Medical dictionary
-geny — combining form denoting the mode by which something develops or is produced: orogeny. Origin rel. to Fr. génie; both forms derive from Gk geneia, from gen (root of gignomai be born, become and genos a kind ) … English new terms dictionary