Смотреть что такое "genitalia" в других словарях:
genitalia — n. The sex organs, especially the external sex organs, called the {external genitalia}; the genitals. Syn: genital, genitals, private parts, privates, crotch. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
GENITALIA — olim Diis dicata ut Cybeli. Prudent. περὶ ςτεφ. Hymn. x. v. 1066. Ast hic metenda dedicat genitalia. Nunc suspenduntur nescio cui Arculio ab Italis inquit Comm. in Poêta Christi: Georg. Fabric. a Theseo Mega Neapol. edoctus. Vide infra Verenda … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
genitalia — 1876, Modern Latin, from L. genitalia (membra), neuter plural of genitalis (see GENITAL (Cf. genital)) … Etymology dictionary
genitália — s. f. Conjunto dos órgãos do aparelho reprodutor. = GENITAIS ‣ Etimologia: latim genitalia, plural neutro de genitalis, e, genital … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
genitalia — [jen΄i tā′lē ə, jen΄itāl′yə] pl.n. [L, short for genitalia (membra)] GENITALS … English World dictionary
genitalia — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. nmos, blp, D. genitalialiów {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} zewnętrzne narządy płciowe; narządy rozrodcze <łac.> {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
genitalia — ► PLURAL NOUN formal or technical ▪ the genitals. ORIGIN Latin … English terms dictionary
Genitalia — The male or female reproductive organs. The genitalia include internal structures, such as the ovaries, and external structures, such as the penis. * * * The organs of reproduction or generation, external and internal. SYN: organa g. [TA],… … Medical dictionary
genitalia — n. (plural) female; male genitalia * * * male genitalia (plural) female … Combinatory dictionary
Genitalia — Abdomen de l insecte Anatomie d une mouche tsé tsé : en vert : l abdomen L’abdomen est la troisième grande section du corps de l’insecte. Il se trouve derrière le thorax. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
genitalia — genitalic /jen i tal ik/, genitalial, adj. /jen i tay lee euh, tayl yeuh/, Anat. the organs of reproduction, esp. the external organs. [1875 80; < L genitalia, neut. pl. of GENITALIS GENITAL] * * * … Universalium