- genipap
- [ʹdʒenıpæp] n
1) бот. генипап (Genipa americana)2) плод генипапа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Genipap — Gen i*pap, n. (Bot.) The edible fruit of a West Indian tree ({Genipa Americana}) of the order {Rubiace[ae]}. It is oval in shape, as a large as a small orange, of a pale greenish color, and with dark purple juice. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
genipap — [jen′i pap΄] n. [Port genipapo < the WInd (Tupí) name] 1. the brown, edible fruit of a tropical American tree (Genipa americana) of the madder family 2. the tree itself … English World dictionary
genipap — noun a succulent orange sized tropical fruit with a thick rind • Syn: ↑genipap fruit • Hypernyms: ↑edible fruit • Part Holonyms: ↑genipap fruit, ↑jagua, ↑marmalade box, ↑Genipa Ame … Useful english dictionary
genipap — amerikinė genipa statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Raudinių šeimos medieninis, vaisinis augalas (Genipa americana), paplitęs Meksikoje ir Pietų Amerikoje. Naudojamas gėrimams gaminti. atitikmenys: lot. Genipa americana; Genipa americana var.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
genipap fruit — noun 1. tree of the West Indies and northern South America bearing succulent edible orange sized fruit • Syn: ↑jagua, ↑marmalade box, ↑Genipa Americana • Hypernyms: ↑genipa • Member Holonyms: ↑genus Genipa … Useful english dictionary
genipap — /jen euh pap /, n. 1. a tropical American tree, Genipa americana, of the madder family, bearing an edible fruit used for preserves or in making beverages. 2. the fruit itself. Also called marmalade box. [1605 15; < Pg genipapo < Tupi ianipaba] *… … Universalium
genipap — noun The edible fruit of a West Indian tree Genipa Americana of the order Rubiaceæ, oval in shape, as a large as a small orange, of a pale greenish color, and with dark purple juice … Wiktionary
Genipap — Genipa (E) … EthnoBotanical Dictionary
genipap — gen·i·pap … English syllables
genipap — gen•i•pap [[t]ˈdʒɛn əˌpæp[/t]] n. 1) pln a tropical American tree, Genipa americana, of the madder family, bearing a round edible fruit 2) pln the fruit itself • Etymology: 1605–15; < Pg genipapo < Tupi ianipaba … From formal English to slang
genipap — /ˈdʒɛnəpæp/ (say jenuhpap) noun 1. the edible fruit of a tropical American tree, Genipa americana, about the size of an orange. 2. the plant. {Portuguese genipapo; of Tupi origin} …