- gecko
- [ʹgek|əʋ] n (pl -os, -oes [-{ʹgek}əʋz]) зоол.
геккон (Gekkon)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gecko — gecko … Dictionnaire des rimes
Gecko — Тип Браузерный движок Разработчик Mozilla Foundation / Mozilla Corporation Написана на C++ Операционная система Кроссплатформенное ПО Последняя версия 17 (каждая новая версия соответствует версии … Википедия
gecko — [ ʒeko ] n. m. • 1768; mot malais ♦ Lézard grimpeur (lacertiliens) portant aux doigts des quatre pattes des lamelles adhésives. ⇒ tarente. Des geckos. ● gecko nom masculin (latin scientifique moderne gecko, du malais gēkoq) Nom scientifique du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
gecko — GÉCKO s.m. Familie de şopârle din ţările calde (Gecko); şopârlă din această familie. – Din fr., engl. gecko. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 GÉCKO s.m. Specie de şopârlă din ţările calde, având degete adezive. [< fr., engl. gecko… … Dicționar Român
GECKO — GECKO, reptile of the order Lacertilia. Six genera belonging to the Gekkonidae family are to be found in Israel. The most common is the house gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus, a nocturnal lizard up to about 4¾ inches (12 cm.) in length, with a soft… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gecko — Geck o (g[e^]k [ o]), n.; pl. {Geckoes} (g[e^]k [=o]z). [Cf. F. & G. gecko; so called from the sound which the animal utters.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any lizard of the family {Geckonid[ae]}. The geckoes are small, carnivorous, mostly nocturnal animals with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gecko — (Ascalabotes), Eidechsen aus der Familie Schuppeneidechsen, nächtl. Thiere von trägem Wesen, mit zurückziehbaren Nägeln. Ihre 30 Arten werden nach der Bildung der Zehen abgetheilt. Südeuropa hat 2 Arten: den Mauer G. (A. murorum), ein häßliches… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
gecko — 1774, from Malay gekoq, said to be imitative of its cry. Earlier forms were chacco (1711), jackoa (1727) … Etymology dictionary
gecko — ► NOUN (pl. geckos or geckoes) ▪ a nocturnal lizard with adhesive pads on the feet, found in warm regions. ORIGIN from a Malay word imitative of its cry … English terms dictionary
gecko — [gek′ō] n. pl. geckos or geckoes [prob. < Malay ge kok, ? echoic of its cry] any of a family (Gekkonidae) of soft skinned, insect eating, tropical and subtropical lizards with a short, stout body, a large head, and suction pads on the feet … English World dictionary
Gecko — This article is about the type of animal. For other uses, see Gecko (disambiguation). Gecko Temporal range: 50 Ma Recent, putatively as early as 110 Ma[1] … Wikipedia