- gatepost
- gate-post
1> воротный столб
between you and me and the gate-post (только) между нами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gatepost — Gate post (g[=a]t p[=o]st ), n. 1. A post to which a gate is hung; called also {swinging post} or {hinging post}. [1913 Webster] 2. A post against which a gate closes; called also {shutting post}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gatepost — ► NOUN ▪ a post on which a gate is hinged or against which it shuts … English terms dictionary
gatepost — [gāt′pōst΄] n. the post on which a gate is hung or the one to which it is fastened when closed … English World dictionary
Gatepost — A gatepost is a structure used to support gates or wooden crossbars which control entry to an area, such as a field or driveway. Purpose If the gatepost is utilitarian in purpose then gateposts will be made as strictly functional structures;… … Wikipedia
gatepost — UK [ˈɡeɪtˌpəʊst] / US [ˈɡeɪtˌpoʊst] noun [countable] Word forms gatepost : singular gatepost plural gateposts one of the two upright posts that a gate is fixed to • between you, me, and the gatepost … English dictionary
gatepost — gate|post [ˈgeıtpəust US poust] n 1.) one of two strong upright poles set in the ground to support a gate 2.) between you, me, and the gatepost BrE spoken used to say that you are going to tell someone your opinion, but you want it to be a secret … Dictionary of contemporary English
gatepost — gate|post [ geıt,poust ] noun count one of the two upright posts that a gate is attached to between you, me, and the gatepost SPOKEN used for saying that you are telling someone a secret that they should not repeat to anyone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gatepost — [[t]ge͟ɪtpoʊst[/t]] gateposts N COUNT A gatepost is a post in the ground which a gate is hung from, or which it is fastened to when it is closed … English dictionary
gatepost — noun (C) 1 one of two strong upright poles fixed to the ground to support a gate 2 between you, me and the gatepost BrE spoken used to say that you are going to tell someone your opinion, but you want it to be a secret … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
gatepost — /ˈgeɪtpoʊst/ (say gaytpohst) noun 1. the post on which a gate is hung, or the one against which it is closed. –phrase 2. between you (and) me and the gatepost, Colloquial in confidence. {Phrase Origin: US colloquial (1880s) {gate1 + post1} …
gatepost — n. a post on which a gate is hung or against which it shuts. Phrases and idioms: between you and me and the gatepost in strict confidence … Useful english dictionary