- androclinium
- [͵ændrəʹklınıəm] n (pl -ia) бот.
андроклиний, пыльниковая ямка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
androclinium — /an dreuh klin ee euhm/, n., pl. androclinia / klin ee euh/. Bot. clinandrium. [ < NL, equiv. to andro ANDRO + clinium < Gk klínion, dim. of klíne bed; see IUM] * * * … Universalium
androclinium — /ændrəˈklɪniəm/ (say andruh klineeuhm) noun → clinandrium …
androclinium — /an dreuh klin ee euhm/, n., pl. androclinia / klin ee euh/. Bot. clinandrium. [ < NL, equiv. to andro ANDRO + clinium < Gk klínion, dim. of klíne bed; see IUM] … Useful english dictionary
clinandrium — /kli nan dree euhm/, n., pl. clinandria / dree euh/. a cavity in the apex of the column in orchids, in which the anthers rest; the androclinium. [1860 65; < NL; see ANDROCLINIUM] * * * … Universalium
clinandrium — /klɪˈnændriəm/ (say kli nandreeuhm) noun (plural clinandria) a cavity in the apex of the column in orchids, in which the anthers rest; androclinium. {New Latin, from Greek klīnē bed + Greek anēr man + ium} …
an|dro|clin|i|um — «AN druh KLIHN ee uhm», noun, plural i|a « ee uh». = clinandrium. (Cf. ↑clinandrium) ╂[< New Latin androclinium < Greek an , andrós man + klīn bed, couch] … Useful english dictionary
cli|nan|dri|um — «klih NAN dree uhm», noun, plural dri|a « dree uh». a cavity at the apex of the column in orchids in which the anthers rest; androclinium. ╂[< New Latin clinandrium < Greek kl ē couch + an , andrós male] … Useful english dictionary