
1. [gɑ:ntʃ] n
1. ист. кол (орудие казни)
2. уст. рана от удара клыком (кабана)
2. [gɑ:ntʃ] v
1. ист. сажать на кол
2. уст. рвать клыками (о кабане)

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Смотреть что такое "ganch" в других словарях:

  • Ganch — Ganch, v. t. [Cf. F. ganche, n., also Sp. & Pg. gancho hook, It. gancio.] To drop from a high place upon sharp stakes or hooks, as the Turks dropped malefactors, by way of punishment. [1913 Webster] Ganching, which is to let fall from on high… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ganch — (v.) to impale on hooks or pointed stakes as a means of capital punishment, 1610s, from Fr. *ganchor, from It. *ganciare, from gancio hook, from Turkish kanca hook, barb, grapnel. Related: Ganched; ganching. Also, as a noun, the name of the thing …   Etymology dictionary

  • ganch — transitive verb also gansh ˈganch, ȧ ( ed/ ing/ es) Etymology: modification of Turkish kancalamak to put on a hook, from kanca large hook, modification of Greek gampsos curved : to execute or kill by impaling on stakes or hooks field mice …… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of English words of Turkic origin — This is a list of words that have entered into the English language from the Turkic languages. Many of them came via traders and soldiers from and in the Ottoman Empire. There are some Turkic words as well, most of them entered English via the… …   Wikipedia

  • Clone trooper — Soldat clone de la 501ème légion Dans l univers de Star Wars, les Clone troopers sont issus d un immense programme génétique ayant pour objectif la création d une armée de la République galactique pour contrer la menace grandissante de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • gansh — variant of ganch * * * gansh var. ganch v. Obs …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi — Infobox World Heritage Site WHS = Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi State Party = KAZ Type = Cultural Criteria = i, iii, iv ID = 1103 Region = Asia Pacific Year = 2003 Session = 27th Link = of Khoja Ahmed… …   Wikipedia

  • Шопен Ф. Ф. —         (Chopin, Szopen) Фридерик Францишек (1 III, по метрич. записи 22 II 1810, Желязова Воля, близ Варшавы 17 X 1849, Париж) польский композитор и пианист. Сын француза Николб (Миколая) Шопена, участника Польского восстания 1794, преподавателя …   Музыкальная энциклопедия

  • Gang, der — Der Gang, des es, plur. die Gänge, das Abstractum von dem Zeitworte gehen. I. Die Handlung des Gehens, oder der Veränderung des Ortes vermittelst der Füße; ohne Plural. 1. Eigentlich. Erhalte meinen Gang auf deinen Fußsteigen, Ps. 17, 5. Daß,… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi — Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi * UNESCO World Heritage Site Country …   Wikipedia

  • Liste des personnages de Star Wars — Cet article décrit les personnages fictifs de la saga de Star Wars par ordre alphabétique. Certains noms ont été francisés dans les premiers films (épisodes IV, V et VI) principalement dans un souci de synchronisation entre les lèvres des acteurs …   Wikipédia en Français

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