- gametangia
- [͵gæmıʹtændʒıə] pl от gametangium
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gametangia — n. organ which produces gametes … English contemporary dictionary
fungus — fungic /fun jik/, adj. funguslike, adj. /fung geuhs/, n., pl. fungi /fun juy, fung guy/, funguses, adj. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic… … Universalium
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
Gametangium — A gametangium (plural: gametangia) is an organ or cell in which gametes are produced that is found in many multicellular protists, algae, fungi, and the gametophytes of plants. In contrast to gametogenesis in animals, a gametangium is a haploid… … Wikipedia
Gametogenesis — is a process by which diploid or haploid precursor cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes. Depending on the biological life cycle of the organism, gametogenesis occurs by meiotic division of diploid… … Wikipedia
Mucorales — A sporangium of a Mucoralean fungus Scientific classification … Wikipedia
reproductive system, plant — Introduction any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. In plants, as in animals, the end result of reproduction is the continuation of a given species, and the ability to reproduce is, therefore, rather conservative … Universalium
Alternation of generations — (also known as alternation of phases or metagenesis) is a term primarily used in describing the life cycle of plants (taken here to mean the Archaeplastida). A multicellular sporophyte, which is diploid with 2N paired chromosomes (i.e. N pairs),… … Wikipedia
Chytridiomycota — Temporal range: Devonian–Recent … Wikipedia
Isogamy — refers to a form of sexual reproduction involving gametes of the same size. Since both gametes look alike, they cannot be classified as male or female. Instead, organisms undergoing isogamy are said to have different mating types, most commonly… … Wikipedia
Monoicous — Not to be confused with Monoecious. Monoicous is a botanical term used to describe plants which bear both sperm and eggs on the same gametophyte. Dioicous is the complementary term describing species in which gametophytes produce only sperm or… … Wikipedia