- gametal
- [ʹgæmıt(ə)l] a = gametic
gametal cell - половая клетка, гамета
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gametal cell - половая клетка, гамета
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gametal — ga·me·tal … English syllables
gametal — gəˈmēd.əl, ˈgaˌm adjective Etymology: gamet + al : gametic … Useful english dictionary
gamete — gametic /geuh met ik/, gametal /geuh meet l/, adj. gametically, adv. /gam eet, geuh meet /, n. Biol. a mature sexual reproductive cell, as a sperm or egg, that unites with another cell to form a new organism. [1885 90; < NL gameta < Gk gamet (s.… … Universalium
gamete — /ˈgæmit / (say gameet), /gəˈmit / (say guh meet) noun either of the two germ cells which unite to form a new organism; a mature reproductive cell. {New Latin gameta, from Greek gametē wife or gametēs husband} –gametal /gəˈmitl/ (say guh meetl),… …
gamet- — combining form or gameto Etymology: New Latin, from gameta : gamete gametal gametocide * * * var. of gameto before a vowel … Useful english dictionary