Смотреть что такое "galvanical" в других словарях:
galvanic — adjective /ɡælˈvænɪk/ Of or pertaining to galvanism; electric The shocking news prompted a galvanic reaction Syn: galvanical … Wiktionary
provocative — I adjective aggravating, alluring, annoying, arousing, attractive, bellicose, captivating, challenging, defiant, desirable, electric, electrifying, enchanting, entrancing, exasperating, exciting, galling, galvanic, galvanical, grating, inciting,… … Law dictionary
galvanic — [gal van′ik] adj. [ GALVAN(ISM) + IC] 1. of or having to do with direct current that is produced by a chemical reaction, as in a storage battery or dry cell 2. stimulating or stimulated as if by electric shock; startling or convulsive: Also… … English World dictionary