- anbury
- [ʹænb(ə)rı] n
1. бот. кила капусты и других крестоцветных2. вет. чирей, веред
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Anbury — An bur*y, Ambury Am bur*y, n. [AS. ampre, ompre, a crooked swelling vein: cf. Prov. E. amper a tumor with inflammation. Cf. the first syllable in agnail, and berry a fruit.] 1. (Far.) A soft tumor or bloody wart on horses or oxen. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anbury — noun A wen or spongy wart on the legs or flanks of a horse … Wiktionary
anbury — n. soft tumor found in horses and oxen … English contemporary dictionary
anbury — an·bury … English syllables
anbury — /ˈænbəri/ (say anbuhree), / bri/ (say bree) noun 1. a soft, spongy tumour or wart of horses, oxen, etc. 2. a disease of cruciferous plants, especially the turnip, in which the roots become clubbed. Also, ambury, anberry. {origin uncertain; ? from …
anbury — n. soft tumour of horses; finger and toe disease of turnips; club root … Dictionary of difficult words
anbury — ˈanbərē, ˈam , ˌbe noun ( es) Etymology: probably alteration of (assumed) earlier English angberry, from ang (from Old English, narrow, painful) + berry more at agnail … Useful english dictionary
White, T(erence) H(anbury) — born May 29, 1906, Bombay, India died Jan. 17, 1964, Piraeus, Greece English novelist, social historian, and satirist. Educated at Cambridge University, White was working as a teacher when he attained his first critical success with the… … Universalium
White, T(erence) H(anbury) — (29 may. 1906, Bombay, India–17 ene. 1964, Pireo, Grecia). Novelista, historiador social y escritor satírico inglés. Educado en la Universidad de Cambridge, White trabajaba de profesor cuando obtuvo su primer éxito de crítica con la obra… … Enciclopedia Universal
Ambury — Anbury An bur*y, Ambury Am bur*y, n. [AS. ampre, ompre, a crooked swelling vein: cf. Prov. E. amper a tumor with inflammation. Cf. the first syllable in agnail, and berry a fruit.] 1. (Far.) A soft tumor or bloody wart on horses or oxen. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fingers and toes — Anbury An bur*y, Ambury Am bur*y, n. [AS. ampre, ompre, a crooked swelling vein: cf. Prov. E. amper a tumor with inflammation. Cf. the first syllable in agnail, and berry a fruit.] 1. (Far.) A soft tumor or bloody wart on horses or oxen. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English