- galactagogue
- 1. [gəʹlæktəgɒg] n спец.
молокогонное средство2. [gəʹlæktəgɒg] a спец.молокогонный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
galactagogue — [galaktagɔg] adj. et n. m. ÉTYM. 1865; de galact , et suff. agogue. ❖ ♦ Méd. (Vx). Qui favorise la sécrétion lactée. ⇒ Galactogène. N. m. || Un galactagogue : une substance galactagogue. ➪ tableau Noms de remèdes … Encyclopédie Universelle
galactagogue — [gə lak′tə gäg΄] n. 〚 GALACT(O) + AGOGUE〛 an agent that stimulates or increases the secretion of milk * * * … Universalium
galactagogue — [gə lak′tə gäg΄] n. [ GALACT(O) + AGOGUE] an agent that stimulates or increases the secretion of milk … English World dictionary
Galactagogue — A galactagogue is a substance that induces lactation. [OED] The most commonly cited galactagogues are herbal: fenugreek, brewer s yeast, blessed thistle, and alfalfa; others include anise, astragalus root, boza, burdock, nettle, fennel, flax,… … Wikipedia
galactagogue — (ga la kta go gh ) adj. Terme de médecine. Qui a la propriété de déterminer ou d augmenter la sécrétion lactée. Substantivement. Un galactagogue. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du grec, lait, et, qui conduit … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
galactagogue — /gəˈlæktəgɒg/ (say guh laktuhgog) adjective 1. increasing the amount of milk collected, either with or without increasing the amount secreted. –noun 2. a galactagogue agent or medicine. {Greek galakt milk (stem of gala) + agōgos bringing} …
galactagogue — adj. & n. adj. inducing a flow of milk. n. a galactagogue substance. Etymology: Gk gala galaktos milk, + agogos leading … Useful english dictionary
galactagogue — noun A substance that induces lactation … Wiktionary
galactagogue — An agent that promotes the secretion and flow of milk. [galact + G. agogos, leading] * * * ga·lac·ta·gogue or ga·lac·to·gogue gə lak tə .gäg n an agent that promotes the secretion of milk called also lactagogue * * * n. an agent that … Medical dictionary
Galactagogue — A substance increasing flow of milk . Brosimum, Carica, Centropogon, Cyperus, Euphorbia, Faramea, Gossypium, Jatropha, Lepidium, Momordica, Phyllanthus, Portulaca, Ricinus, Sesamum, Trophis … EthnoBotanical Dictionary
galactagogue — adj. increases the amount of milk n. substance which increases the amount of milk … English contemporary dictionary