- fustian
- 1. [ʹfʌstıən] n
1. 1) бумазея; фланель2) бумазея-бобрик (тж. beaver fustian)2. напыщенный стиль; напыщенные, высокопарные речи2. [ʹfʌstıən] a1. бумазейный; фланелевый2. надутый, напыщенный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fustian — (also called bombast) is a term for a variety of heavy woven, mostly cotton fabrics, chiefly prepared for menswear. It is also used to refer to pompous, inflated or pretentious writing or speech, from at least the time of Shakespeare. History and … Wikipedia
Fustian — Fus tian, a. 1. Made of fustian. [1913 Webster] 2. Pompous; ridiculously tumid; inflated; bombastic; as, fustian history. Walpole. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fustian — Fus tian, n. [OE. fustan, fustian, OF. fustaine, F. futaine, It. fustagno, fr. LL. fustaneum, fustanum; cf. Pr. fustani, Sp. fustan. So called from Fust[=a]t, i. e., Cairo, where it was made.] 1. A kind of coarse twilled cotton or cotton and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fustian — [fus′chən, fust′yən] n. [ME < OFr fustaigne < ML fustaneum (< L fustis, wooden stick) used as transl. of Gr xylinon < xylinos, wooden (in LXX, cotton)] 1. Historical a coarse cloth of cotton and linen 2. a thick cotton cloth with a… … English World dictionary
fustian — I adjective bombastic, declamatory, flatulent, gausape, grandiloquent, grandiose, high flown, high sounding, inflated, mouthy, orotund, pompous, pretentious, ranting, swollen, tumid, turgid II noun affectation, altiloquence, bombast, bombastic… … Law dictionary
fustian — thick cotton cloth, c.1200, from O.Fr. fustaigne, from M.L. fustaneum, probably from L. fustis staff, stick of wood, probably a loan translation of Gk. xylina lina linens of wood (i.e. cotton ), but the M.L. word also is sometimes said to be from … Etymology dictionary
fustian — n rant, rodomontade, *bombast, rhapsody … New Dictionary of Synonyms
fustian — [adj] pompous arrogant, boastful, bombastic, conceited, flaunting, high and mighty*, highfalutin, lofty, ostentatious, pontifical, portentous, pretentious, puffed up*, ranting, self centered, self important, vain, vainglorious; concepts… … New thesaurus
fustian — ► NOUN ▪ a thick, hard wearing twilled cloth. ORIGIN from Latin pannus fustaneus cloth from Fostat , a suburb of Cairo … English terms dictionary
fustian — /fus cheuhn/, n. 1. a stout fabric of cotton and flax. 2. a fabric of stout twilled cotton or of cotton and low quality wool, with a short nap or pile. 3. inflated or turgid language in writing or speaking: Fustian can t disguise the author s… … Universalium
fustian — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French fustian, fustayn, from Medieval Latin fustaneum, probably from fustis tree trunk, from Latin, stick, cudgel Date: 13th century 1. a. a strong cotton and linen fabric b. a class of cotton fabrics… … New Collegiate Dictionary