- furunculosis
- [fjʋ͵rʌŋkjʋʹləʋsıs] n (pl -ses)
1) мед. фурункулёз2) вет. чирьеватость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
furunculosis — f. dermat. Estado morboso en el que aparecen simultáneamente varios forúnculos o tras brotes sucesivos. Suele afectar a sujetos que sufren diabetes, nefritis crónica o con el sistema inmunitario deprimido. El tratamiento consiste en la… … Diccionario médico
Furunculosis — vgl. Furunkulose … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
furunculosis — [fyo͞o ruŋ΄kyo͞o lō′sis] n. [< FURUNCLE + OSIS] the disorder characterized by the recurrent appearance of furuncles … English World dictionary
furunculosis — noun (plural furunculoses) Etymology: New Latin Date: 1886 1. the condition of having or tending to develop multiple furuncles 2. a highly infectious disease of various salmonoid fishes (as trout) that is caused by a bacterium (Aeromonas… … New Collegiate Dictionary
furunculosis — a systemic bacterial disease (Aeromonas salmonicida) generally of salmonids but also found in some flatfishes such as turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and in goldfish. Usually occurs in young fish following stress and in spring when temperatures… … Dictionary of ichthyology
furunculosis — Disease of fish caused by Aeromonas salmonicida. Major problem in fish farms … Dictionary of molecular biology
furunculosis — /fyoo rung kyeuh loh sis/, n. Pathol. the condition characterized by the presence of boils. [1885 90; < L furuncul(us) (see FURUNCLE) + OSIS] * * * … Universalium
furunculosis — noun The presence of furuncles or boils … Wiktionary
furunculosis — A condition marked by the presence of furuncles, often chronic and recurrent. * * * fu·run·cu·lo·sis fyu̇ .rəŋ kyə lō səs n, pl lo·ses .sēz 1) the condition of having or tending to develop multiple furuncles 2) a highly infectious disease of… … Medical dictionary
furunculosis — ► femenino PATOLOGÍA Enfermedad caracterizada por la aparición de numerosos furúnculos recidivantes … Enciclopedia Universal
furunculosis — n. disease characterized by boils (Medicine)fu·run·cu·lo·sis || fjʊ‚rʌŋkjÉ™ ləʊsɪs / jÊŠ l … English contemporary dictionary