- furlong
- [ʹfɜ:lɒŋ] n
фарлонг (мера длины; = 201,17 м́)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Furlong — Fur long, n. [OE. furlong, furlang, AS. furlang, furlung, prop., the length of a furrow; furh furrow + lang long. See {Furrow}, and {Long}, a.] A measure of length; the eighth part of a mile; forty rods; two hundred and twenty yards. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
furlong — ● furlong nom masculin (anglais furlong) Unité anglo saxonne de longueur agraire, égale à 220 yards … Encyclopédie Universelle
furlong — O.E. furlang measure of distance (roughly 220 yards), originally the length of a furrow in the common field of 10 acres, from furh furrow + lang long. The acre of the common field being variously measured, the furlong was fixed 9c. on the… … Etymology dictionary
furlong — [fʉr′lôŋ΄] n. [ME < OE furlang, a measure, lit., length of a furrow < furh, FURROW + lang, LONG1] a unit of length in the FPS system, equal to 220 yards or 1/ 8 statute mile (201.168 meters): one square furlong equals ten acres: abbrev. fur … English World dictionary
Furlong — (spr. Förrióng), englisches Längenmaß = 1/8 englische Meile … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Furlong — (engl., spr. för , eigentlich a furrow long, »eine Furchenlänge«), engl. Feldmaß zu 10 Chains von 22 Yards = 201,164 m, in den Vereinigten Staaten = 201,168 m; bis 1825 in Schottland 240 Ells = 226,769 m und in Irland 280 Yards = 256,027 m … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Furlong — (spr. för ), engl. Längenmaß zu 220 Yards oder 660 Fuß = 201,16 m … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Furlong — (förrlong), 1/8 engl. Meile … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Furlong — [ fəːlɔȖ; englisch, eigentlich »Länge einer Furche«] das, s/ s, Einheitenzeichen fur, in Großbritannien und in den USA verwendete Längeneinheit der Landwirtschaft: 1 fur = 220 yards = 201,168 m =1/8 mile. … Universal-Lexikon
furlong — ► NOUN ▪ an eighth of a mile, 220 yards. ORIGIN from the Old English words for «furrow» + «long» (originally denoting the length of a furrow in a common field) … English terms dictionary
Furlong — unit of length m= 201.16800 accuracy=6 A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units. It is equal to one eighth of a mile or 660 feet or 201.168 metres.Five furlongs are approximately 1 kilometre (1.00584 km to be… … Wikipedia