- fungo
- [ʹfʌŋgəʋ] n амер. сл.
1. 1) бейсбольная бита (тж. fungo stick)2) удар по летящему мячу (особ. для практики)2. 1) ошибка, промах2) бесполезное дело, мартышкин труд
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fungo — s. m. 1. Fruto de Angola, semelhante à ameixa. 2. O mesmo que induna. ‣ Etimologia: origem obscura fungo s. m. Ato ou efeito de fungar. = FUNGAÇÃO ‣ Etimologia: derivação regressiva de fungar fungo s. m. 1. [Biologia] Organismo eucariota,… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
fungo — ☆ fungo [fuŋ′gō ] n. pl. fungoes [< ? Scot fung, to toss] 1. a batted ball, esp. a fly ball, hit, as for fielding practice, by the batter after he has himself tossed the ball into the air 2. the relatively long, thin bat used for this: in full … English World dictionary
fungo — m. Med. *Excrecencia blanda y esponjosa que sale en la piel y en ciertas membranas … Enciclopedia Universal
fungo — s.m. [lat. fungus ] (pl. ghi ). 1. (bot.) [organismo formato da un corpo vegetativo, costituito da filamenti uni o pluricellulari intrecciati, privi di clorofilla, e da una parte riproduttiva contenente le spore] ▶◀ micete. ● Espressioni: fig.,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
fungo — 1867, baseball slang, perhaps from dial. fonge catch, a relic of O.E. fon seize (see FANG (Cf. fang)), or possibly from the German cognate fangen. Not in OED 2nd ed. (1989) … Etymology dictionary
fungo — fùn·go s.m. 1a. AU organismo vegetale senza clorofilla, foglie e fiori, che nasce e si sviluppa rapidamente su terreni umidi, formato di solito da un gambo sormontato da un cappello, di consistenza molle o spugnosa: funghi secchi, velenosi,… … Dizionario italiano
fungo — {{hw}}{{fungo}}{{/hw}}s. m. (pl. ghi ) 1 (bot.) Organismo vegetale privo di clorofilla, saprofita o parassita, di forme e dimensioni varie, il cui corpo fruttifero è talvolta commestibile | Corpo fruttifero dei funghi di maggiore dimensione,… … Enciclopedia di italiano
fungo — noun a) A fielding practice drill where a person hits fly balls intended to be caught. The fielding coach played fungo with the outfielders to warm them up. b) A fungo bat. He is so strong he could hit it out of the park with a fungo … Wiktionary
fungo — [ fʌŋgəʊ] noun (plural fungoes or fungos) 1》 (also fungo fly) Baseball a fly ball hit for practice. 2》 (also fungo bat or stick) a long lightweight bat for hitting fungoes. Origin C19: of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary
fungo — ˈfəŋ(ˌ)gō noun (plural fungoes) Etymology: origin unknown 1. : a fly ball hit for practice purposes by a player who tosses the ball into the air and bats it as it comes down 2. or fungo bat : a lightweight bat that is longer and thinner than the… … Useful english dictionary
fungo — noun (plural fungoes) Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1867 1. a fly ball hit especially for practice fielding by a player who tosses a ball in the air and hits it as it comes down 2. fungo bat … New Collegiate Dictionary