- fungible
- [ʹfʌndʒəb(ə)l] a юр.
родной (о вещи, предмете)
fungible things - вещи, определяемые родовыми признаками, заменимые вещи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fungible things - вещи, определяемые родовыми признаками, заменимые вещи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fungible — fun‧gi‧ble [ˈfʌndʒbl] adjective 1. COMPUTING fungible things can be exchanged for another amount of the same thing, or used instead of another thing: • External PC and Mac modems are generally fungible, swapping them usually requires new cables … Financial and business terms
fungible — fun·gi·ble 1 / fən jə bəl/ adj [New Latin fungibilis, from Latin fungi to perform]: being something (as money or a commodity) one part or quantity of which can be substituted for another of equal value in paying a debt or settling an account oil … Law dictionary
fungible — adjetivo 1. Uso/registro: administrativo. Que se consume o gasta con el uso: Esta partida del presupuesto es para material fungible. bienes* fungibles … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
fungible — [fun′jə bəl] adj. [ML fungibilis < L fungi, to perform: see FUNCTION] Law designating movable goods, as grain, any unit or part of which can replace another unit, as in discharging a debt n. [ME (res) fungibilis] a fungible thing fungibility n … English World dictionary
fungible — capable of being used in place of another, 1765 (n.), 1818 (adj.), a word in law originally, from M.L. fungibilis, from L. fungi perform, as in fungi vice to take the place (see FUNCTION (Cf. function)) … Etymology dictionary
fungible — (Del lat. fungi, gastar, y ble). adj. Que se consume con el uso. ☛ V. bienes fungibles … Diccionario de la lengua española
fungible — adjective /ˈfʌn.dʒɪ.b(ə)l/ Able to be substituted for something of equal value or utility; interchangeable. Gold is fungible. Silver is fungible; that is, these metals are both so homogeneous that, if I get a pound of pure gold, for example, it… … Wiktionary
fungible — ► adjetivo 1 Que se gasta con el uso: ■ los vehículos son máquinas fungibles. SINÓNIMO consumible extinguible 2 DERECHO Se aplica a los bienes muebles de los que no puede hacerse un uso adecuado sin consumirlos. * * * fungible (del lat. «fungi»,… … Enciclopedia Universal
fungible — {{#}}{{LM F18475}}{{〓}} {{SynF18957}} {{[}}fungible{{]}} ‹fun·gi·ble› {{《}}▍ adj.inv.{{》}} Que se consume con el uso: • Los materiales de oficina se consideran bienes fungibles.{{○}} {{★}}{{\}}ETIMOLOGÍA:{{/}} Del latín fungi (consumir).… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
fungible — I. noun Date: circa 1765 something that is usually used in plural II. adjective Etymology: New Latin fungibilis, from Latin fungi to perform more at function Date: 1818 1. being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by… … New Collegiate Dictionary
fungible — adjetivo gastable, agotable, consumible. Generalmente se emplea en la expresión material fungible … Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos