- fundholder
1> владелец государственных процентных бумаг
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fundholder — Fund hold er, a. One who has money invested in the public funds. J. S. Mill. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fundholder — noun a general practitioner who manages his own budget, purchasing healthcare from one or more hospital trusts … Wiktionary
fundholder — n. (in the NHS) see general practitioner … Medical dictionary
fundholder — n. general practitioner that manages its own budget and contracts directly with hospitals (British); person who invested money in public funds … English contemporary dictionary
fundholder — /ˈfʌndhoʊldə/ (say fundhohlduh) noun a person who has money invested in a fund, such as a pension fund, superannuation fund, etc …
fundholder — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : one that has money invested in the British public funds 2. : one that holds stocks, bonds, or other funds as a mere investment … Useful english dictionary
Perfection (law) — In law, perfection relates to the additional steps required to be taken in relation to a security interest in order to make it effective against third parties and/or to retain its effectiveness in the event of default by the grantor of the… … Wikipedia
Breakpoint Sale — The sale of a mutual fund at a set dollar amount that allows the fundholder to move into a lower sales charge bracket. If, at the time of investment, an investor is unable to come up with the funds needed to qualify for the lower fee, he or she… … Investment dictionary
fundholding — noun (in the UK) a former system of state funding in which a general practitioner was allocated a budget with which they could buy hospital services. Derivatives fundholder noun … English new terms dictionary
new words — (also called neologisms). It is always tempting, as much in the history of the language as in political and social history, to identify tendencies with centuries, but language change is a continuous process, and what is significant is the social… … Modern English usage
rentier — /rontyey/ In French law, a fundholder, a person having an income from personal property … Black's law dictionary