
1. [ʹfʌŋkʃ(ə)n] n
1. функция, назначение

the function of education is to develop the mind - образование имеет своей целью развить умственные способности

glass has an important function in modern architecture - стекло занимает важное место в современной архитектуре

2. функция, деятельность; отправление (организма)

regular functions of the body - нормальные функции организма

functions of the nerves - функционирование нервной системы

3. обыкн. pl должностные обязанности, функции; круг обязанностей

to perform /to carry out/ one's daily functions - выполнять повседневные служебные обязанности

to exercise administrative functions - исполнять административные обязанности

4. 1) торжественная церемония; торжество

function to be held on ... - торжественное собрание состоится ...

to speak at a function - выступать на собрании

to attend a great state function - присутствовать на большом торжестве

2) разг. приём, вечер (тж. public function, social function)

quite a small function - вечеринка

to see smb. at a (public /social/) function - встретить кого-л. на приёме

5. мат. функция

linear function - линейная функция

2. [ʹfʌŋkʃ(ə)n] v
1. функционировать, действовать; работать

the telephone was not functioning - телефон не работал

2. (часто as) выполнять функции, исполнять обязанности

the new official started functioning - новый чиновник приступил к своим обязанностям

when the mother was ill the eldest girl had to function as both cook and housemaid - когда мать была больна, старшей девочке приходилось и готовить, и убирать дом

in earlier English the present tense often functioned as the future - в древнеанглийском языке настоящее время часто заменяло будущее

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "function" в других словарях:

  • Function — Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of his public …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • function — n 1 Function, office, duty, province are comparable when they mean the act, acts, activities, or operations expected of a person or thing by virtue of his or its nature, structure, status, or position. Function is the most comprehensive of these… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • function — 1. The noun has a number of technical meanings in mathematics and information technology, and has acquired general meanings that caused Fowler (1926) to categorize it as a popularized technicality. As a noun, it is often used somewhat… …   Modern English usage

  • function — [fuŋk′shən] n. [OFr < L functio < pp. of fungi, to perform < IE base * bheug , to enjoy > Sans bhuṅktē, (he) enjoys] 1. the normal or characteristic action of anything; esp., any of the natural, specialized actions of a system, organ …   English World dictionary

  • Function — may refer to:* Function (biology), explaining why a feature survived selection * Function (mathematics), an abstract entity that associates an input to a corresponding output according to some rule * Function (engineering), related to the… …   Wikipedia

  • function — I noun appropriate activity, assignment, business, chore, design, duty, employment, exploitation, mission, munus, occupation, office, officium, performance, purpose, pursuit, responsibility, role, task, usage, use, utility, work associated… …   Law dictionary

  • Functĭon — (v. lat. Functio), 1) Verrichtung; Amtsverrichtung; daher Functioniren, ein Amt verrichten; 2) nach Kant die Einheit der Handlung, verschiedene Vorstellungen unter eine gemeinschaftliche zu ordnen; 3) die naturgemäße Thätigkeit eines Organs; 4)… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • function — [n1] capacity, job action, activity, affair, behavior, business, charge, concern, duty, employment, exercise, faculty, goal, mark, mission, object, objective, occupation, office, operation, part, post, power, province, purpose, raison d’être*,… …   New thesaurus

  • function — ► NOUN 1) an activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or thing. 2) a large or formal social event or ceremony. 3) a computer operation corresponding to a single instruction from the user. 4) Mathematics a relation or expression… …   English terms dictionary

  • Function — Func tion (f[u^][ng]k sh[u^]n), Functionate Func tion*ate, v. i. To execute or perform a function; to transact one s regular or appointed business. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • function — function, functionalism Although the use of the concepts of function and functionalism is usually associated with the work of Talcott Parsons in modern sociology, there is a long tradition of functional explanation in studying societies, and a… …   Dictionary of sociology

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