- anaptyxis
- [͵ænæpʹtıksıs] n лингв.
анаптиксис, вставка звука
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Anaptyxis — (gr., Entfaltung, Entwickelung), Colonneformation der Phalanx durch Rechts u. Linksum … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Anaptyxis — Anaptyxis, s. Svarabhakti … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
anaptyxis — [an΄ap tiks′is] n. pl. anaptyxes [an΄ap tiks′ēz΄] [ModL < Gr, an opening, gaping < fut. stem of anaptyssein, to unfold, open < ana , up + ptyssein, to fold] epenthesis of a vowel anaptyctic [an΄aptik′tik] adj … English World dictionary
anaptyxis — См. anaptissi … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
anaptyxis — anaptyctic /an euhp tik tik, an ap /, anaptyctical, adj. /an euhp tik sis, an ap /, n., pl. anaptyxes / tik seez/. epenthesis of a vowel. [1880 85; < NL < Gk, equiv. to anaptyk (s. of anaptýssein to unfold, equiv. to ana ANA + ptýssein to fold) + … Universalium
anaptyxis — n. insertion of a vowel between two consonants in order to make pronunciation easier … English contemporary dictionary
anaptyxis — [ˌanəp tɪksɪs] noun Phonetics the insertion of a vowel between two consonants to aid pronunciation, as in he went thataway. Derivatives anaptyctic adjective Origin C19: mod. L., from Gk anaptuxis unfolding … English new terms dictionary
anaptyxis — an·ap·tyx·is … English syllables
anaptyxis — /ænæpˈtɪksəs/ (say anap tiksuhs) noun Linguistics the epenthesis of a vowel, as the schwa in /fɪləm/. Compare excrescence (def. 5). –anaptyctic /ænæpˈtɪktɪk/ (say anap tiktik), adjective …
anaptyxis — n. insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation … Dictionary of difficult words
anaptyxis — n. (pl. anaptyxes) Phonet. the insertion of a vowel between two consonants to aid pronunciation (as in went thataway). Derivatives: anaptyctic adj. Etymology: mod.L f. Gk anaptuxis (as ANA , ptusso fold) … Useful english dictionary