- full out
- [͵fʋlʹaʋt]
1. написанный полностью, несокращённый2. полигр. без втяжки3. разг. изо всех сил, на всю мощность
he was riding his motorcycle full out - он мчался на своём мотоцикле сломя голову
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he was riding his motorcycle full out - он мчался на своём мотоцикле сломя голову
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
full out — ► full out with maximum effort or power. Main Entry: ↑full … English terms dictionary
full-out — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : flush left used of a typeset or typewritten line 2. : complete, total a full out war effort * * * fullˈ out adjective 1. At full power 2. Total … Useful english dictionary
full out — 1) as much or as far as possible; with maximum effort or power he held his foot to the floor until the car raced full out 2) Printing flush with the margin * * * full out : with as much effort as possible He was running full out. see also ↑full… … Useful english dictionary
full out — as fast as you can go, flat out, full tilt He was skating full out, but he couldn t catch Messier … English idioms
full-out — adjective Date: 14th century complete, total < a full out effort > … New Collegiate Dictionary
full out — 1. adjective With maximum effort. 2. adverb With maximum effort. Syn: all out, full tilt, full throttle … Wiktionary
full out — /ˈfʊl aʊt/ (say fool owt) adjective 1. written out in full. 2. Printing not indented …
full out — 1》 with maximum effort or power. 2》 Printing flush with the margin. → full … English new terms dictionary
Full-out — Без отступа (о наборе) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
full — Ⅰ. full [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space. 2) (full of) having a large number or quantity of. 3) not lacking or omitting anything; complete. 4) (full of) unable to stop talking or… … English terms dictionary
full-scale — [adj] total, all out all encompassing, comprehensive, exhaustive, extensive, fullblown*, full dress*, full out*, in depth, major, proper, sweeping, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unlimited, wide ranging; concepts 531,772 Ant. incomplete,… … New thesaurus