- frontispiece
- [ʹfrʌntıspi:s] n
1. архит. фронтон; фронтиспис2. полигр. фронтиспис3. сл. лицо, физиономия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Frontispiece — Fron tis*piece, n. [F. frontispice, LL. frontispicium beginning, front of a church, fr. L. frons front + spicere, specere, to look at, view: cf. It. frontispizio. See {Front} and {Spy}.] The part which first meets the eye; as: (a) (Arch.) The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frontispiece — 1590s, decorated entrance of a building, from M.Fr. frontispice, probably from It. frontespizio and L.L. frontispicium facade, originally a view of the forehead, judgment of character through facial features, from L. frons (gen. frontis) forehead … Etymology dictionary
frontispiece — ► NOUN ▪ an illustration facing the title page of a book. ORIGIN Latin frontispicium facade … English terms dictionary
frontispiece — [frunt′is pēs΄] n. [OFr < LL frontispicium, front of a church, front view < L frons, FRONT1 + specere, to look: see SPY] 1. Obs. the first page, esp. the title page, of a book 2. an illustration facing the title page of a book 3. Archit … English World dictionary
Frontispiece — *In architecture, a frontispiece constitutes the elements that frame and decorate the main, or front, door to a building; especially when the main entrance is the chief face of the building, rather than being kept behind columns or a portico. *A… … Wikipedia
frontispiece — [16] The final syllable of frontispiece has no etymological connection with piece. It comes from *spic , a root denoting ‘see’ which is also represented in conspicuous and spectator. Here, as in the related auspices, its particular application is … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
frontispiece — UK [ˈfrʌntɪsˌpiːs] / US [ˈfrʌntɪsˌpɪs] noun [countable] Word forms frontispiece : singular frontispiece plural frontispieces a picture at the beginning of a book on the page opposite the one with the title on it … English dictionary
frontispiece — [16] The final syllable of frontispiece has no etymological connection with piece. It comes from *spic , a root denoting ‘see’ which is also represented in conspicuous and spectator. Here, as in the related auspices, its particular application is … Word origins
frontispiece — [[t]frʌ̱ntɪspiːs[/t]] frontispieces N COUNT: usu sing The frontispiece of a book is a picture at the beginning, opposite the page with the title on … English dictionary
frontispiece — noun Etymology: Middle French frontispice, from Late Latin frontispicium facade, from Latin front , frons + i + specere to look at more at spy Date: circa 1598 1. a. the principal front of a building b. a decorated pediment over a portico or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
frontispiece — /frun tis pees , fron /, n. 1. an illustrated leaf preceding the title page of a book. 2. Archit. a façade, or a part or feature of a façade, often highlighted by ornamentation. [1590 1600; alter. (conformed to PIECE) of earlier frontispice < F … Universalium