- frig
- I
[frıdʒ] = fridge
[frıg] v неприст.
1) обмануть, надуть (кого-л.)2) болтаться без дела, шляться (обыкн. frig around)3) = fuck II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
frig — frig·ate; frig·gle; frig·id; Frig·i·daire; frig·i·dar·i·um; frig·o·rif·ic; frig·o·rim·e·ter; in·frig·i·date; re·frig·er·a·tion; re·frig·er·a·tive; re·frig·er·a·tor; frig; re·frig·er·ant; re·frig·er·a·to·ry; frig·id·ly; frig·id·ness; … English syllables
Frig — can refer to: *frig, a temporary modification to something to make it operate in a manner not as originally designed. *frig pig, an archaic term which The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue defined as A trifling, fiddle faddle fellow. (frig… … Wikipedia
frig — FRIG, (2) friguri, s.n. 1. Temperatură scăzută a mediului ambiant, care dă senzaţia de rece. ♦ Senzaţie de rece provocată de temperatura joasă a mediului. 2. (La pl.) Temperatură ridicată a unui bolnav; tremur cauzat de senzaţia de rece, care… … Dicționar Român
frig´id|ly — frig|id «FRIHJ ihd», adjective. 1. very cold: »Eskimos are used to living in a frigid climate. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under cold. (Cf. ↑cold) 2. Figurative. cold in feeling or manner; stiff; chilling: »a frigid stare. He received a frigid greet … Useful english dictionary
frig|id — «FRIHJ ihd», adjective. 1. very cold: »Eskimos are used to living in a frigid climate. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under cold. (Cf. ↑cold) 2. Figurative. cold in feeling or manner; stiff; chilling: »a frigid stare. He received a frigid greet … Useful english dictionary
frig — frig1 [frig] vt. frigged, frigging Slang 1. to engage in sexual intercourse with: somewhat vulgar 2. to cheat, trick, etc. vi. to spend time idly, foolishly, etc.: usually with around frig2 [frij] n. [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] FRIDGE … English World dictionary
frig — to move about restlessly, mid 15c., perhaps a variant of FRISK (Cf. frisk) (q.v.). As a euphemism for to fuck it dates from 1680s, earlier as to masturbate (1670s). Related: Frigged; FRIGGING (Cf. frigging) … Etymology dictionary
Frig|ga — «FRIHG uh» noun. = Frigg. (Cf. ↑Frigg) … Useful english dictionary
frig — UK [frɪɡ] / US verb Word forms frig : present tense I/you/we/they frig he/she/it frigs present participle frigging past tense frigged past participle frigged offensive Phrasal verbs: frig around … English dictionary
frig — I. /frɪg / (say frig) Colloquial –verb (frigged, frigging) –verb (i) 1. to masturbate. 2. to have sexual intercourse. –verb (t) 3. (taboo) to practise masturbation upon. 4. (taboo) to have sexual int …
frig — frig1 /frig/, v.t., v.i., frigged, frigging. Slang (vulgar). v.t. 1. to copulate with. 2. to take advantage of; victimize. 3. to masturbate. v.i. 4. to copulate. 5. to masturbate … Universalium