- freezeout
1> _спец. "вымораживание" (приостановка процесса при низкой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
freezeout — freeze·out / frēz ˌau̇t/ n: a corporate action (as a merger) taken by those in control of the corporation (as controlling shareholders or the board of directors) for the purpose of causing the minority shareholders to lose their equity in the… … Law dictionary
Freezeout — Tisch beim Main Event 2006 Ein Pokerturnier ist ein Wettbewerb, der dazu dient, den besten Pokerspieler zu ermitteln. Die bei Turnieren bevorzugt gespielten Pokervarianten sind Seven Card Stud, so bei der alljährlich von den Casinos Austria im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
freezeout — /freez owt /, n. Poker. a game in which each player begins with a predetermined amount of money and must withdraw from the game once that amount is lost, until one player is left with all the winnings. Also, freeze out. [1850 55, Amer.; n. use of … Universalium
freezeout — noun Any situation in which the motion of a system of particles ceases … Wiktionary
Freezeout — Any variation of a game in which a player must drop out when his original stake is exhausted … The official rules of card games glossary
freezeout — /freez owt /, n. Poker. a game in which each player begins with a predetermined amount of money and must withdraw from the game once that amount is lost, until one player is left with all the winnings. Also, freeze out. [1850 55, Amer.; n. use of … Useful english dictionary
Helppi — Juha Helppi Spitzname(n) Peasant Wohnort Helsinki, Finnland World Series of Poker Bracelets (Turniersiege) 0 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Juha Helppi — Spitzname(n) Peasant Wohnort Helsinki, Finnland World Series of Poker Bracelets (Turniersiege) 0 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Barny Boatman — infobox poker player firstname=Barny lastname=Boatman nickname=Barmy Barny caption=Barny Boatman at the 2005 World Series of Poker. hometown=Archway, London wsop bracelet count= None wsop money finishes=18 wsop main event best finish rank=16th… … Wikipedia
Chris Moorman — Nickname(s) MoormanI (Full Tilt, Bodog) Moorman1(PokerStars, Ultimate Bet Party Poker) INYOUREYE111 (Absolute Poker) Hometown Brighton, UK Born 12/07/1985 World Series of Poker … Wikipedia
List of mountain passes in Montana (A-L) — Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing Export all coordinates as KML … Wikipedia