freeze off

freeze off
[ʹfri:zʹɒf] phr v
отнестись (к кому-л.) неприветливо; держать на почтительном расстоянии; пресекать (чьи-л.) попытки к сближению

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "freeze off" в других словарях:

  • freeze off —    to kill    The common imagery of chill:     Frisky Lavon got froze off tonight. (Chandler, 1953) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • freeze off — verb reject with contempt She spurned his advances • Syn: ↑reject, ↑spurn, ↑scorn, ↑pooh pooh, ↑disdain, ↑turn down • Derivationally related forms: ↑turndow …   Useful english dictionary

  • freeze — ▪ I. freeze freeze 1 [friːz] verb froze PASTTENSE [frəʊz ǁ froʊz] frozen PASTPART [ˈfrəʊzn ǁ ˈfroʊ ] 1. [transitive] COMMERCE …   Financial and business terms

  • Freeze Frame (film) — Infobox Film name = Freeze Frame caption = director = John Simpson producer = Michael Casey writer = John Simpson starring = Lee Evans Colin Salmon Ian McNeice Sean McGinley Rachael Stirling music = cinematography = editing = Simon Thorne… …   Wikipedia

  • freeze — [[t]fri͟ːz[/t]] ♦♦♦ freezes, freezing, froze, frozen 1) V ERG If a liquid or a substance containing a liquid freezes, or if something freezes it, it becomes solid because of low temperatures. If the temperature drops below 0°C, water freezes...… …   English dictionary

  • freeze — [c]/friz / (say freez) verb (froze, frozen, freezing) –verb (i) 1. to become hardened into ice or into a solid body; to change from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat. 2. to become hard or rigid because of loss of heat, as objects… …  

  • freeze — freezable, adj. freezability, n. /freez/, v., froze, frozen, freezing, n. v.i. 1. to become hardened into ice or into a solid body; change from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat. 2. to become hard or stiffened because of loss of heat …   Universalium

  • freeze — 1. noun /ˈfriːz/ a) A period of intensely cold weather. In order to work properly, the cotton stripper required that the plant be brown and brittle, as happened after a freeze, so that the cotton bolls could snap off easily. b) A precise draw… …   Wiktionary

  • Freeze one's tits off — be sujected to extreme cold: You have to stand outside and freeze your tits off just to have a ciggie these days …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • freeze one's tits off — Australian Slang be sujected to extreme cold: You have to stand outside and freeze your tits off just to have a ciggie these days …   English dialects glossary

  • freeze etching — If a freeze fractured specimen is left for any length of time before shadowing, then water will sublime off from the specimen etching (lowering) those surfaces that are not protected by a lipid bilayer. Some etching will take place following any… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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