Freemasonry — • An overview of Freemasonry and description of its condemnation by the Catholic Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Freemasonry — Free ma son*ry, n. The institutions or the practices of freemasons. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Freemasonry — (engl., spr. frī mēßönrī), Freimaurerei … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Freemasonry — [ friːmeɪsnrɪ], englische Bezeichnung für Freimaurerei … Universal-Lexikon
Freemasonry — mid 15c., from FREEMASON (Cf. freemason) + RY (Cf. ry) … Etymology dictionary
Freemasonry — [frē′mās′ nrē] n. 1. the principles, rituals, etc. of Freemasons 2. the Freemasons 3. [f ] a natural sympathy and understanding among persons with like experiences … English World dictionary
Freemasonry — Freemasons redirects here. For other uses, see Freemasons (disambiguation). Masonic redirects here. For the ghost town in California, see Masonic, California. The Masonic Square and Compasses. (Found with or without the letter G) … Wikipedia
freemasonry — /free may seuhn ree/, n. 1. secret or tacit brotherhood; fellowship; fundamental bond or rapport: the freemasonry of those who hunger for knowledge. 2. (cap.) the principles, practices, and institutions of Freemasons. [1400 50; late ME fremasonry … Universalium
Freemasonry — Initially a secret fraternity that developed a system of allegory and symbolism based on the temple of King Solomon and medieval stonemasonry, Freemasonry experienced its most tumultuous episodes in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
freemasonry — The supposed existence of an international masonic conspiracy to destabilize Spain was one of the staples of right wing rhetoric throughout the nineteenth century and the Franco period. The reality was that even during the Second Republic,… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
freemasonry — [[t]fri͟ːmeɪs(ə)nri[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Freemasonry is the organization of the Freemasons and their beliefs and practices. He was very active in Freemasonry. 2) N UNCOUNT: also a N, usu with supp Freemasonry is the friendly feeling that exists… … English dictionary